Seungri's Dare

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Plot-less drabble with Seungri ft. BigBang

"Let's go over here." Jiyong says as he tugs on Seung Hyun's black winter coat. The older man's dimples stretch across his cheek, following Jiyong into the small coffee shop with a sigh leaving the rest of you and Bigbang to walk towards a marble carved fountain. "They always run off like that."

"Jiyong always pulls onto us." Seungri says and sits down on the fountain's platform with you to follow. "They're probably getting coffee." Daesung cuts in and sits beside me. His brown hair parted down the middle and away from his eyes. "He's obsessed with coffee." YoungBae sighs as he walks up to us but doesn't sit. He stands with his hands in his pockets and sunglasses covering his eyes. Even though it was completely cloudy outside he insisted on wearing them. He brought those stupid things everywhere. One time we were supposed to take a flight to Shanghai for a concert, but as soon as he realised his glasses weren't in his bag or sitting on top of his pink haired head he ordered the car to turn around. "Obsessed? Look at you, you're wearing your sunglasses again." Seungri hisses, removing his hand from mine to point at his hyung's stern face.

YoungBae purses his pink lips and pushes them to the top of his head. "I told you, HyoRin got these for me." I chuckle and look up at his brown eyes. "Seungri got me a book filled with pictures of us but you don't see me looking at it all the time do you?"

The boys laugh tauntingly, but YoungBae maintains his unamused posture. "No, but that's different. My object is something I can wear-"

"I gave her a couple ring once." Seungri says 'as-a-matter-of-factly'. "Yeah." I nod and cross my legs. "Actually," Seungri says and turns in my direction with a puzzled look on his face. "Why aren't you wearing it?"

I advert my eyes at the concrete floor. "No reason. I just forget to put it on." I feel the others move closer in curiosity. "You don't love me?"

"No that's not it-"

"Are you kidding, you gave her a ring with a panda on it!"

Seungri furrows his brows, "So?" Youngbae smiles and takes his hands out of his pocket to show us the silver band around his pinkie. "See this? This is a couple ring, for an adult. She's not going to walk out in public with a panda hugging her finger."

Seungri opens his mouth to protest but soon snaps his jaw shut and faces me. "Is that true."

I smile shyly and nod my head. "I can't go to work with a child's ring around my finger."

"I thought it was cute." He mutters under his breath silently. "It is cute, Ri," I smile and kiss his cheek softly. Daesung grins and watches as he pushes his head against my shoulder. "UghGHHGHGGHH. You could have told me when I gave them to you that they were too childish."

I sigh, glance at the boys staring at me for my reply, and run my hand through his bleached hair. "Babe it's fine, okay? I love the rings."

Youngbae holds in his laughter by blowing out his cheeks and shutting his eyes tightly. Daesung stands up and pushes himself onto him, "Hyung I can't do this." He whisper-laughs in his ear. I glare up at them, squinting a warning at them before lifting Seungri's head from my shoulder. "Are you sure? I can get us new ones?" He whimpers.

He is seriously not going to pull the guilty card. He knows I can't disagree when he makes that stupid baby face. "It's fine!" I explain sweetly. "No need to buy a new one."

While Daesung and Youngbae snickered to themselves quietly as I comforted Seungri with hugs and small kisses on the cheek, Jiyong and Seung Hyun returned with coffee's in their hands. "What's going on here?" Jiyong chuckles and takes Daesung's previous spot. I glance at him but don't reply. I couldn't. Seungri was hugging me so tight I wasn't even sure if I could breathe. "Ya! Get off of her the poor girl can't even let out a breath!"

Seung Hyun tugs at Seungri's shoulder and pulls on his ear like a mother would to her son. "Thanks Op-" Seungri immediately lifts his head and glares at me before I can even finish my sentence. "Seung Hyun." I sigh and roll my eyes. "You've got to be kidding me." Youngbae laughs and walks foreword, Daesung still laughing in his arm. "What?"

"You don't let her call anyone else Oppa?"

Daesung's head pops up. "That's crazy, Ri."

"No," I say as I pull Seung Hyun's coffee from his hand. "Just not Seung Hyun."

Jiyong laughs and scoots closer to me at an angle. "Why's that? Because he's too handsome?" He jokes causing everyone but Seungri and I to burst out in laughter. I look at him with a blank face. "Yeah, that's exactly it." Everyone's eyes widen. Seung Hyun looks down at me with eyes of disbelief. "You're serious?"

I nod and take a sip of the paper cup in my hands. "Yep." Seungri whines and does his infamous 'protest face'. "Ya! That's just because if someone sees her calling him Oppa then he'll get his first dating scandal." I roll your eyes at him and look around at all the eyes pasted on me. "It's because he feels like Hyung is much more good looking than he is."

Their mouths open as they all let out "Ahh's" and "oooh's" that sent Seungri out of the roof. "Ya! You're all agreeing as if it's true that he is handsomer than me!" I put my hand on his chest and tell him to be quiet. "It's not that Ri isn't handosme, I mean look at him." I glance over my shoulder at the confident expression on his face. "But he just get's a little jealous."

"Aish, he's always been like that. The jealous type. If Jiyong went out with us and Seungri wasn't there he would throw a fit like a baby." Daesung complains with a higher pitched voice than his regular husky tone. I smile at him. "He would tell me about that when he got home at the end of the day."

Youngbae leans closer and flicks the top of his head. "Aish you little...making us sound like horrible hyungs.What's with you?" Seungri chuckles, a light pink tint flushing his cheeks. "So you really can't call me Oppa, huh?" I nod and take another sip from his coffee.Guess I'm not gonna be giving this back.

Suddenly Seungri places his hand on my thigh and begins rubbing it slowly. He leans in and whispers in my ear with a wide smirk. "Remember what I said would happen if you called him Oppa?"

I glance back at him, then back at Seung Hyun who began to propse a bet. "____, if you call me Oppa once, I'll wear a shortsleeved shirt for our next concert. Daesung covers his mouth with his hand and whispers to Jiyong under his breath. "Oh shit..." I look at Seungri who watches me fidget with the cup in my hands.

Truth is, a long time ago Seungri dared me to restrain from calling Seung Hyun Oppa, He really did get jealous but what would happen if I was to call him Oppa made chills run up and down my spine. If Seungri won he would have his way with me, if I won he would just get the satisfaction of not having Seung Hyun being called a name that he likes being called by girls a lot. I clear my throat and straighten up in my seat. "Deal."

"You sure?"

I feel a squeeze on my thigh. "Yes, Oppa."

Immediately the group of boys begin howling and patting their hyung on the back roughly. "Looks like you won't be wearing a suit for a few days." Jiyong says with a nudge at his shoulder. "I honestly didn't think she would do it." He laughs shyly and buries his face in Jiyong's shoulder. Seungri let's go of his grasp on my thigh and licks his lips. "Neither did I."

As the others continue to question how Seung Hyun would complete his part of the bet, Seungri's arm snakes around my waist to pull me closer. His hot breath sends shivers running throughout my body as he whispers in my ear.

"I bet you can't wait until we get home now, can't you?"


I DONT KNOW WHERE I WAS GOING WITH THIS BUT HERE YOU GO lol love you guys see you soon

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