Imagine: He sees...

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Imagine he sees someone checking you out while at the mall...


He eyes the boy with an glare before locking his fingers in between yours. You glance down at your hands completely oblivious as to why he was holding your hand so out of the blue.

You point out a pair of shoes as you pass a shop but as you continue to speak you notice he was slowly leaning closer to your face without his eyes even looking at you. You and lean away and laugh, "What are you doing?" He keeps his focus away from you as he replies. "I'm kissing you."

"What?" You laugh pushing his face away with your hand. His jaw drops. "If you won't let me kiss you (y/n) then I'll just have to do it myself." He pushes past your hand but before you can stop him he presses his lips roughly against yours, the kiss soon softening  with you to melt along with it.

"If I have to kiss you like this everytime we walk in a room to get a guy to stop looking at you like that, then I'll do it."


He immediately pulls you closer to him by your waist. So close that you can practically feel how hard he's breathing.

A hand comes under your chin, turning your it so you would face in his direction. He looks into your (e/c) eyes with his dark brown ones, looking at them if searching for an answer. "If someone asks who you're dating," He kisses you, takes a bracelet from his wrist and places it around yours. "You belong to Youngbae. And your last name will soon show that."

* G-Dragon*

Jiyong glances at the floor after seeing the other boy look up and down at you. He takes one of your hand in his, rubbing his thumb along your palm softly. "Do you love me?"

You look up from the metal table you had been seated at. Your tone changes from happy to slightly worried. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, do you love me?"

Your eyebrows furow. "Jiyong, I love you more than you can imagine."

His mouth spreads into a cute smile. "I love you too (y/n)."


He sees the other boy looking at you and pulls you right back out of the store without hesitation. "But I was looking at that." You say, your body still facing back at the shirt you were forced to drop on the way out. "Why'd you run out like that?" You ask worried as you notice his uneasy expression.

"I didn't like the way he was looking at you."


Seungri notices the group of boys watching your every move and gives them an angry look.

"Yes, this is my girlfriend." He speaks loud enough for the other boys to hear.

He wraps his arm around your shoulder and smiles confidently before mouthing the word "mine" at them as you but walk past with his arm pulling you closer.


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