Seungri scenario...

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How you and Seungri meet...


"Excuse me," you say, stumbling past a crowd of people to get through to the YG elevators. As soon as you step through the automatic doors you let out a heavy sigh. Is it supposed to be like this every day?

Suddenly the screams of fans waiting outside get louder. "Oppa!" A high pitched voice screams as soon as you press the close button.

Before the doors could meet, a hand pushes them back out. Falling into the elevator in what seemed to be slow motion, was Seungri. "Sorry," he mutters as he eagerly presses the close button again.

You hadn't noticed you were staring at him until you meet your (e/c) eyes with his. "I wasn't expecting anyone to be in here."

You smile. "It's okay."

He looks at his reflection in the shiny metal of of the doors. Silently, he fixes his platinum blonde hair and adjusts his suit cuffs. "You're one of the trainees, huh?" He smiles warmly at you before leaning back onto the wall.

The red lights above the doors changed. "2nd floor"

"Yeah I was-"

The elevator stops. Your bodies are jerked in a violent motion forcing you both to grab onto the rails behind you. "What the...?"

As if things couldn't get any worse, all the lights go out,all but the little red letters at the top still blinking "2nd floor".

"You have got to be kidding me," Seungri complains as he slides his body down to sit on the floor. But you- you're paralysed, staring forward into the black space around you. "Can you believe this?" He scoffs, annoyed because this couldn't have happened on a better day, he was already late for work because of the crazy sasaengs hanging around the building all day.

Slowly you seat yourself down unaware that you were sitting inches away from him. Seungri mumbled something under his breath before some how proceeding to hold a decent conversation. It's not like you weren't listening, you were, but most of your attention was toward the danger sensation eating at your mind. So when he suddenly asked you a question and you didn't answer, he holds out his arm to find you sitting right in front of him.

"Are you okay?"

"You sure?"

You hesitate to speak, too worried that all the anxiety you're having would spill out into uncontrollable sobs. All you could manage to say was "Panic attack."

With this, he finds his hand to your shoulder. "Hey," you hear his soft voice through plain, cold air. "It's going to be okay, alright? We're gonna get out of here, I promise."

A small smile spreads across your lips.

He suddenly holds your hand in his, squeezing gently as he spoke. "Tell me about yourself," he says as he rubs his thumb against your smooth palm.

"I want to know everything about you."

Super short, the rest is for you guys to whip up in your brains ;) anyway, Loser has been stuck in my head since... Forever

lol okay bye!

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