(Seungri) Korean Lessons

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"Je ireum-eun Seungri imnida," he speaks slowly allowing you to follow along with his lips. "Now you try."

Seungri leans back in his seat, one side of his lips turned up as you open your mouth to speak. "Je irum-eun (y/n) imnida."

He smiles.

"Aigoo, you did a lot better than expected." He sits up straight, hands folded as he tries to give you the next challenge.

"Since you got down the basic Korean, let's do something a bit more challenging."

You raise an eyebrow. "Like what?"

A smile sneaks to his lips, "Non onul yippo."

You repeat the phrase with ease, until he suddenly interrupts with laughter.

"Did I say it wrong?"

"Ani, you just called me pretty."

You laugh and roll your eyes, "You thought that was going to be hard for me to say?"

"No, I just wanted you to say it since you're always saying I look like a panda."

"Well its true," you retort.

He's always so tired. Especially nowadays since the new album was keeping him up late with Jiyong by his side helping him with lyrics. He's barely gotten any sleep.

He clears his throat, fixes his brown bangs, and crosses one leg over the other. The bottom cuffs of his black dress pants ride up a little allowing his ankles to peak through.

"But seriously Jagi, you've gotten pretty good. Have you been studying?"

You smile. If watching kdramas count then yes, you've been studying. "No, I just pick up on languages really quick."

"Oh really?" He chuckles as he places his hand on your knee. "Actually," you begin to say but laugh a little.

"Youngbae has been helping me with Korean in exchange for me helping him with English ."

He blinks. "Oh."

"Why'd you say it like that?"

"Like what?"

You keep quiet for a moment. "Like getting help is a bad thing."

"Well because I thought I was helping you." His eyes become dull, a plain brown that showed a hint of disappoinent.

You sigh, "Oppa I-"


You stare at him confused. "What?"

"Saranghae. Say it back. Saranghae."

Seungri says it again a bit slower than before but you stay quiet in your seat still unsure if he was serious.

Surely he knows that you understand this word. You say it to each other almost everyday before he goes to the studio.

"Sarangahae?" You stretch the word out, speaking slowly as you are still lost at why he was doing this.

"I love you too."

And that's it. He just leans back and watches the TV from across the room. "What?"

He echos you. "What?"

"Ri, I know what saranghae means."

"Oh you do? Well since you know what it means I'll give you a test using it in context."

Seungri clears his throat, purses his lips and looks into your eyes. "Saranghae is the word said to Oppa and only Oppa," he gestures for you to answer. "Is that correct?"

You roll your eyes, "Yes."

"Good." He smiles. "Then, Saranghae."

You chuckle. "Saranghae."


Sorry this is so short .-. I didn't know what to write for him. Don't forget I'm still taking requests! Ily guys

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