Sick Seungri

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Reader's POV


"Babe," his raspy voice echoes as he sits up and tries reaching for me.

"No, you need to rest, I'll feed you."

Seungri glares at me. The dark blue blankets covering his body gets shoved to the side as I sit near him and blow a steam of air at his soup. "I-"

"Shh, you can't talk! You're going to lose your voice even more!"

Moving a spoonful close to his face, he just stares at me, watching the metal utensil slowly get closer. "No." I growl just as soon as he opens his mouth to protest.

This boy just doesn't listen.

Before it reaches his lips he opens his mouth wide and practically takes a bite of the spoon. "Lee Seung Hyun, don't give me attitude. Just because you're sick doesn't mean you can act like a baby."

Then again, he always acts like one. What am I saying?

He takes in a deep inhale, grabs the mini whiteboard I placed by his side, and writes something viciously.

'I hate this. '

Nodding in agreement, I take the spoon and put in close to him. "Me too."

Using the sleeve of his grey pajama shirt, Seungri wipes off his previous message and writes something else. The once white surface is now faded blue. "Open," you say, and he does as told.

For a few minutes it continues. The same cycle of blowing on his food and feeding him, then yelling at him to stop using his sleeve because there was a blue stain forming and I knew would not come off.

"All done," I say, smiling at him brightly as I stand up and grab a napkin to wipe his lips with. "Look at me."

He turns in my direction immediately. Seungri looks up at me with seductive eyes as he bites his bottom lip.

'Kiss?' The board reads when he suddenly blocks the path between the napkin and his mouth. I shake my head and laugh. "No, now move the board!"

He erases the board and writes something in the dark coloured ink.

'Just once and I won't bother you! ;*'

The emoji makes me laugh at first, but then I notice how serious his face looks. He really wants that kiss. "Fine," I sigh in defeat. "Only on the cheek though."

Seungri nods his head so fast I'm sure he's going to gets headache later. Slow as a snail, I lean over his lap making sure to look him in the eyes. When our faces are close enough to touch, he closes his eyes until I press my lips against the closest part of his mouth as possible. It isn't an actual kiss, but it'll keep him from bugging me for a while. "Eh?" I smirk as I pull away to find his eyes still closed. A smile is stamped on his face when he leans his head back in the pillow behind him.

"You okay?" I laugh, poking his cheek with my finger. His pair of dark brown eyes flash open at me and form into crescents.

'Fine' he writes, then erases it as soon as I stand up to take the bowl to the kitchen. "I'm going to go to the pharmacy to get your medicine, I'll be right back okay?"

He nods, writes, and holds up the board. 'I love you, be careful'

"I love you too," I grin.

"I'll be back."



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