Ice Cream Date *requested*

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"Does it taste good?"

You licked the cone again and nodded,"Mhm, how about yours?"

Seung Hyun smiles and bites into his crunchy waffle cone. "It's really good."

When you eat some more of the frozen treat, some gets allover your lips. "Wait!" Seung Hyun suddenly stops you when you reach to get a napkin. "What?" Your eyes travel from where he grabbed your wrist, up to his dewy brown eyes. "I'll do it."

You giggle and he releases his grasp only to lift your chin with his hand. You stay silent, unsure as what he was doing. 

He's just going to wipe my face with a napkin, no big deal.

 He's done so many gentlemen like things before but this time your heart is pounding against your ribs harder than ever before. You feel your cheeks starting to burn as he leans over the table, out of his chair so he's staring you right in the eyes.

Seung Hyun smirks as he glances at your lips that are lightly coated in minty peppermint chapstick, and a little bit of vanilla ice cream.

Then without another word he presses his lips against yours, the taste of his coffee flavoured ice cream mixing with the vanilla on your tongue. You feel him smile and pull away as if what he had just done meant nothing. Just a normal gesture that he would do in your everyday public ice cream shop. You open your eyes when you hear him chuckle in his seat. "You liked that huh?"

"No," You quickly eat more to occupy yourself. "I just...I was surprised."

"Your eyes were closed." He laughs biting into the cone nonchalantly. "That means you enjoyed it."

You raise an eyebrow. "So are you saying that every time you kiss a girl and they enjoy it they close their eyes?" You stare at him a bit angry and taken aback by what he said. "No, I know you liked it because you bit my lip when I was pulling away."

"I didn't do that."

He laughs loudly, moving up in his seat closer to the table. "You do it all the time when we-" He looks around the room and leans closer, "Get intimate." 

Your cheeks turn a darker shade of pink than before, "Not true!"

"Fine," He takes the last bite of his cone, licks his fingers, and sits back with his arms crossing over his chest. "Don't believe me." 

"Seung Hyun."


"You have some ice cream on your sweater."

He pulls down his shirt inspecting it until he finds the vanilla spot of ice cream near his collar.

"Wanna lick it off?" He jokes as he grabs a napkin. This time you stop him with a tug at his arm. "Why not?"


You stand up keeping your eyes on his, his pupils dilating curiously. "Jagi I was joking," He says nervously as you lean closer.

You smile and whisper the words "I know, I was too,"  in his ear before dabbing some of your ice cream on his nose. "Yah!" Seung Hyun yells as you sit back in your seat, a smirk tugging at your lips. 

"Aish..." He continues to dab away at the spot while muttering under his breath.

After a few moments of silence and consistent shirt cleaning, you clear your throat and say something softly.  "You sound upset."

He looks up at you with furrowed brows. "Well I kinda hoped this would have turned out to be a normal date, but your stupid ice cream got all over my shirt." 

"Well if you didn't kiss me then It wouldn't be there."

He stares at you.

"No one told you to kiss me so suddenly."

"And no one told you to be so cute now, did they?" He smirks.  "(Y/N) I'm not upset over my shirt, I had fun tonight."

You smile, "So did I."

"Let's go on another ice cream date like this again soon, okay?"

"Okay, but next time if you try to kiss ice cream off my lips I'll put ice cream allover your shirt."

"Then I'll have to take my shirt off." He winks at you, knowing how much you hated when other people saw him without a top. ((badum tsss))

"Fine fine, let's promise not to argue with food ever again." You stick out your hand, "Agreed?"

He stands up from the table, picking up his leather jacket and putting it on before you do the same.

"You didn't shake on it, Seung Hyun."

He suddenly leans into your ear, his deep husky voice whispering quietly, "I keep my promises Jagi."

Seung Hyun then quickly kisses your right cheek and rubs his thumb on the other. "Agreed, okay?"

You smile.



I really hope you like this, I was super busy so this is the best I could do with the time I had. If i could I would make it longer! <3 anyway, thank you sooo much for all your support

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