Sandwich (Taeyang)

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I don't even know why I wrote this, I guess I was just bored xD ANYWAY here's some Teydaddy for you...weird Teydaddy


"Oppa," you call from the ground, the sun warming your cheeks. "Yeah?" YoungBae turns his head to look at you laying down on the blanket you spread down on the grass. "You've been sitting over there for hours now, come over here."

He groans, still exhausted from the skate boarding contest you did to get here, the middle of a park. An open field with a carpet of vibrant green grass and daisies. Summer perfection.

"I'm too tired to move," He whines, from under the shade. "But you're SO far," you exaggerate with a smile that's almost impossible for him to resist.

"Please." You look at him with wide, sad, puppy eyes and a pouted bottom lip. "Pleeeaase?"

He sighs heavily and raises himself up on his elbows. "Can't you come over here, it's cooler."

You chuckle, turning away before reaching into a basket of food you've brought for lunch. "Fine, stay there. But this is mine." You wave a sandwich in the air. His favourite from the Subway menu.


"No?" You smirk, unwrapping the sub slowly.

"You wouldn't do that to me. You know I love that sandwich- (y/n) NO!"

He immediatly jumps up from his spot and reaches over you for the beloved sandwich. 


"Excuse me? I am not a dog (y/n)-"

You threaten to put the sub in your mouth, so he sits silently. And with a smile you hand it to him, a huge grin spreading across his face. "Ohmygawf," He speaks with a mouthful of avocado. "Thank you."

You lean back on your elbows, smiling at a job well done. "You could say I'm perhaps, the best?" You wink at him jokingly but he lays down by yourside and hugs you with one arm (because he was too busy feeding himself with the other). "The best is an understatement."

"It's just a sandwich Youngbae stop acting so in love with it."

He looks up at you, the kid in him having a mischevious idea. "But I love her," He kisses the salty veggie sub with puckered pink lips. He caresses the white crinkly wrapper around it and smiles.

 A laugh escapes your mouth as he nibbles at the lettuce with his eyes pasted on you.

"You are beyond weird, you know?."

Youngbae takes another large bite and smiles, his eyes following along. "Only for you, my love,"

 "Only for you."

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