TOP *angst*

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You wake up to the sound of the busy city and its soft whirs of passing cars. The orange sunlight trickles in through the window painting your vision a slight pinkish colour as your eyes flutter open. At first you look only at the plain white walls and the black furniture contrasting it, but then suddenly the bright coloured eyes of a man meet yours with a smile. "Good morning," he says. His voice hoarse from sleep. You grin up at Seung Hyuns warm expression. "Good morning."

His gentle eyes look into yours, the shadow of his long lashes casting upon his cheeks. As Seung Hyun adjusts the blankets, the sweet fragrance of Dove soap and cologne sends you to breathe in a little deeper. "How did you sleep?" He asks reaching out to tuck a strand of ___ hair out of your face. "Good."

You stare at him for a while, analyzing the structure of his face and how the sun managed to only make one side of his face look cherubic. His dark brown hair falls slightly over his eyes, covering the scar on his left eyebrow and allowing his irises to capture more of your attention. For some reason they look brighter. More of a light brown than the dark colour you used to compare to coffee.

"Oppa?" You say blankly. But he doesn't answer. "Oppa, how did you sleep?"

He looks at you, the joyous grin on his thin lips now gone and pulled into a straight line. "Seung Hyun Oppa, how did you sleep?"

Again, no answer, he just stares at you with a a pained expression in his eyes.
Your smile quickly disappears too, "What's wrong," you say with a soft, soothe tone. "Why are you crying?"

Slowly, Seung Hyun parts his quivering pink lips, lets a tear fall from his caramel eyes and to the cover of the pillow. Its so silent that you hear it hit the white cotton fabric.

Suddenly he blinks away another tear and barely manages to whisper out, "I'm sorry."

"What? What are you talking about?"
Quickly, you reach out to touch his cheek but before you could manage to get your fingertips to graze along his smooth skin you find that the room is slowly melting away. The walls fade first, then the windows and then Seung Hyun. His body disappears into a mist-like fog that only made you want to reach out and grab for him. But when you actually try, your eyes open to see that through the window the moon is illuminating the city, the white walls are still bare and the air is nothing but pure silence.

Then as you glance back to the empty pillow beside you, it hits you. Your stomach becomes empty and your lungs feel heavy. Deep breaths come out through your mouth before tears stream down your cheeks and onto the pillow.

The spot beside you has been empty, cold, and unused for two years but still you somehow can't get used to it.
Every time you look at the members they look sorry. Their eyes immediately turn sad and empty just like yours had been when you went to the hospital and they told you that Seung Hyun had officially been pronounced dead.

At the age of twenty-eight, your boyfriend Seung Hyun died on impact from a car accident; for you at the age of twenty-eight, you find yourself crying into his pillow with only his camouflage Bape sweater to keep you warm. Not his arms wrapped around your body, or his lips against your neck to make him your only reason for shivering. Still after only two years your eyes began to water at even the sight of his friends, the smell of a painting, or even the scent of Dove soap.

You haven't gotten over him, but yet again, you aren't sure you'll ever be.


What did I write why is this sad why whywhyWhY
I felt like writing something different so I wrote some angst

Anyway, did anyone notice that I changed the cover? Do you like it? Also requests are now open and the rules for requests are in the conversation section of my bio. Anyway, see you guys later~

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