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***trigger warning, self harm***


Seung Hyun stares at you, then down at the razor you barely scratched along the scarred skin of your arm. "____," His voice croaks through the thick silence between you. With tears in your eyes you watch him walk closer to you and carefully remove the thin blade from your fingers.

His arms suddenly wrap around your body, squeezing you tightly
to his own. "____, why?" He asks as your muffled sobs echo against his shoulder. "Why?"

Your eyes continue to fill with tears until they streamed down your cheeks and to his white T-shirt. Your fingers grip harder onto the upper part of his back, both of your palms pressed flatly. "Seung Hyun, I'm sorry."

With a gentle hand rubbing circles along your back, his voice seems to have cracked as he spoke in your ear softly. "Was it because of me?"

Slowly you look up and meet your eyes with his. "Oppa, no..."

With his arms still wrapped  around you, his eyes still water worriedly. "Then why?"

You pull away, staring at his brown eyes with uncertainty. "Oppa," you stutter. " I...its really not you its just that your fans..."

You trail off until he simply nods  needing no more of an explanation. He of all people would know the harsh words of  some of his so called fans.

"They're being rude to you?" He asks.

You try adverting his question by reaching for his hand. "Are they, ____?

"Oppa its fine." You sigh. "I'm fine."

"Clearly not!" He yells loud enough to make you flinch slightly. You've never heard him yell at you. Not like this. "What did they say to you ____?"

You barely manage to mutter your response under your breath."Nothing."

As you try leaving the bathroom to your room, Seung Hyun grabs your arm and pulls you to face him. He looks at your arm wordlessly, staring at the thick lined skin you've covered with sweaters and long sleeves. All this times you've claimed you've been cold during the summer, how you refused to remove your jacket unless it was to sleep, or shower. It all hit him at once. Like a wave and a shore, he was over come with confusion.

"Seung Hyun, stop..." Your soft voice whimpers when your hand tries to pull off his. But he stares down at each of the scars on your arm, wondering how many times he could have been there to stop you if he wasn't too busy with promotions and variety shows.

Suddenly he  falls to his knees, his fingers faintly holding onto your arm as he kisses your forearm with the gentlest touch. "Don't ever put a razor on to your skin again, okay? Please." You sniffle and shake your head in agreement. "Okay." He kisses your skin one more time before looking up and standing to meet your face. "Promise. Promise me you won't do it again." With his hand in yours, his thumb rubs against your fingers while tears roll down your cheek like rain drops streams down a window. You smile widely. "I promise."


to make it less sad, I added a nice gif for you all to enjoy *licks screen*

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