G-Dragon Beakup

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"Hi, do I know you?"

"Its me, Jiyong."

"I'm sorry," you said. "I don't remember."

Jiyong stares at the white wall blankly, his eyes stinging from the exposure of air. "Hyung you haven't even come out of your room in hours, are you okay?"

Seungri, the maknae, worriedly presses his ear on Jiyong's door only to hear a soft sniffle and the ruffling of sheets as he rose from the bed. From the other side if the door Jiyong wipes his nose and stands up to greet his fellow member. "I'm sorry, I just-"

"You don't need to talk about it, hyung."

Jiyong nods and steps out of his room. The smell of beef and kimchi makes his path to the kitchen, forcing him to make contact with the others. At first it was YoungBae who looks up from the stove in shock, more confusion than anything else. Then Big Seung Hyun. He immediately stands up from his seat and wraps his arm around Jiyong shoulder, squeezing it gently for comfort.

"Oh, Jiyong hyung," Daesung gasps. "How are you?"

Jiyong simply simply turns up the corners if his mouth and barely manages to speak through his weak voice. "Fine, thank you."

Once YoungBae finished cooking lunch, and the table was set to eat, Seungri sat down first and waits for Jiyong to sit next to him.

"Hyung," he whispers as Seung Hyun serves himself first, eyes hungry for the juicy meat strips. "You don't have to be so sad about it, its been weeks."

Jiyong just stares at the bowl of rice in front of him. Opening his mouth to speak,  Seungri then whispers something else. "Just because she doesn't recognise you doesn't mean she doesn't love who you are."

But its not fair.

His mind went back to that exact day when you promised you'd wait for him. You promised that after he became famous you wouldnt see him any different than the highschool boy he was. But you lied, and as soon as Jiyong went to visit you and excitedly pour his heart out to say how much he missed you, it was too late. You had a ring on your finger and a baby bump starting to grow.

"You don't remember?" His voice trembled as he watched you look at him with sypathy. "No, I'm sorry."

Suddenly there was a clink. A tear had fallen from Jiyong face onto his empty porcalain plate. That's when all eight dark brown eyes stare in his direction. Each of them watching as tears trail down Jiyong's pale, bare face. No one knows what to do. Whether to comfort him, or watch as his face contorted with pain and embarrassment. He didn't plan on crying anymore, especially not in front of the people he cared about most.

Not one person spoke a word, no one needs to. The quiet sound of sniffling spoke for itself. "Hyung stop crying."
Daesung speaks softly, rubbing his back over his thick grey sweater.

"Hyung stop crying, please."
But still he continues to hear your voice over and over again,
"I'm sorry, I don't remember."

"Jiyong." Seung Hyun's deep voice inturrupts. "Get up, lets go."

He looks up at Seung Hyun with red, puffy eyes. "What?"

"Come on."

Without hesitation Jiyong stands up from his seat, pulls his beanie over his eyes, and steps through the door with Seung Hyun.

The first few steps down the sidewalk are silent, nothing but the sound of rustling leaves and passing cars fill the streets. The two men walk side by side, hands stuffed into their pockets until finally Seung Hyun breaks the silence. "Jiyong, I know you loved her, but you have to let her go."

"Its not that easy." Jiyong mutters. His eyes glued to the floor, he continues walking with tears welling in his eyes.

"I know its hard Ji, but you really have to forget about her."

Seung Hyun suddenly stops in his tracks and grabs onto Jiyong's wrist. "Yah," he says. "Stop crying."

The younger man stutters. His lips quivering slightly.
"Hyung..., I can't."

Jiyong immediately throws himself onto Seung Hyun. His arms wrapping around the older man's body as his tears fall against his sweater. "Jiyong please don't cry." The older coos a bit stiffly as he places his hand on Jiyong back.

"Seung Hyun I loved her."


Jiyongie jiYYYOnGIEeEeEE ;-;

mmm, good afternoon or good night or good afternoon :)) ily guys, comment your favourite song so I can listen to it since I'm bored~ thank you!

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