Baby Goodnight (Daesung)

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Another concert was being held in Japan and Daesung really wanted you to come along. Of course you refused, unsure how you'd manage since you barely knew Japanese, let alone Korean. But here you are, standing in the VVIP section closest to the stage in a spot that Dae reserved for you. After singing Bad Boy Tabi came from behind him, holding his hand just like they did every show. "Yah! Must you do this every concert?" Jiyong laughs, storming over to them immediately trying to pry their hands apart. "Don't worry Ji, I'm just his replacement until we get home."

The crowd "oo'd" and even though you can't understand a word they're saying you smile at the way Dae looked when he laughed at Seung Hyun's remark. "Wait a second." Seungri walks center stage to where the other three are gathered. "Who is he replacing?"

Taeyang howled into his mic. Causing a chain reaction of screams to go off throughout the whole building. What are they saying?

"Yeah Daesungie, who do you really love?," Seung Hyun steps back, their hands still locked together.

"Well," He says, your eyes lighting up as you notice that he's now speaking in English. He parts his hand away from Seung Hyun's before slowly walking closer to the side of the stage that you're seated at. "You really wanna know who I love?" His dark brown eyes meet yours as he speaks.


Silently, he sits on the side of the stage right in front of you, a wide smile adorning his face. "I love you."

The crowd screams and squeals. Although he 'said it to the audience' you know it's meant for you. And if the wink that followed afterwards didn't convince you then the words he say next definentely do.

He stands up and walks up to the others.

"Seung Hyun Hyung, let's sing Baby Goodnight."

Immediately your ears perk up.

"Us? Now?"

Clearly this wasn't planned, and Seung Hyun's shocked facial expression clearly showed it.

"Why not?"

Daesung turns toward the crowd with his mic up to his face、"あなたはわたしたちがぐっどないとあかちゃんをうたいたいですか?" (( Do you want us to sing Baby Goodnight?"

Instantly the crowd cheers and without hesitation the tech crew has the song on for the two. And although most would think that the song they chose was just for fun, you knew that Daesung wanted to sing this song to you.

"Baby goodnight," He sings keeping his eyes on yours as he roamed the stage until the song slowly came to it's end. "Baby goodnight~," He sings as he sits back down on the stage infront of you.

He moves his mic from his face and moves his brown hair out of his sweaty face. "I love you." He says, the sound of screaming girls fading away so you could ony hear him speak. You smile, resisting the urge to reach out and hug him. "I love you too, Dae. I really do."

He smiles and blows you a kiss.

"See you soon, Jagi."


This is super short sorry D:

but it's 1:01 AM so goodnight!

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