BigBang Parody

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so I got the weirdest request ever...just read. lol.


"HyEEEEOOOOOONg~!"Seungri yelled as he threw himself around the elder in front of him. "What?"

Seung Hyun peeled him off, raising his eyebrow.

"Why don't you love me?" He whined.

Seung Hyun rolled his eyes. He turned back around and began searching for Jiyong, weaving through the crowd of people dancing on each other. As he continued with his search, Seungri trailing behind him with the saddest eyes anyone would ever see, Daesung pumped his chest with Taeyang who began shaking his butt viciously. "YaAaaaAsS!" His deep voice cheered when his older member grabbed his hands and twirled them both around.

The crowd around them cheered loudly at the pair of wasted, shitfaced men. They were all completely drunk.

Jiyong on the other hand, continued to drink. "Jiyong!"Seung Hyun squealed once he found his leader. His head turned to face the taller man. "Yah! Where have you been I've been waiting for you?"
As Jiyong's elder opened his mouth to answer he quickly waved him to be quiet. "Nevermind, let me see you back that ass up."

Seung Hyun scoffed. "You don't tell me what to do."

'Bitch ass hoe, you're like twenty-eight. God, just because you're my stupid leader doesn't mean I have to twerk for you.' he thought to himself, subconsciously moving his backside towards Jiyongs direction until his butt touched the other's thigh.

As crazy as it sounded, Seung Hyun was damn good at shaking his booty (as VIP's could tell by how he --ahem- "danced"on stage); and Jiyong made sure that his Hyung's booty was only to be rubbed against his thigh, and only his.


Seung Hyun looked up, suddenly stopping his twerking session to glance up at the maknae's confused face. "Leave me alone Seungr- THIS IS MY SONG!"

Seung Hyun suddenly straightened himself up and immediatly began dancing to the slow song he completely admired. "Jiyong rested his elbows on the bar behind him and sighed, "Not again."

"You make it look like it's magic~!"He mouthed, shaking his body to an (obvious) pre-choreographed song. Clearly he had practiced this WAY too many times in his bedroom. Jiyong raised his head in realisation. So that's why it always takes him so long to get dressed.

"Girl you're woooooOOOrTH it~! He sang, moving towards Jiyong's face, inches away from his lips as he caressed his face before turning away to sing the next few lyrics.

When the song finally came to a stop, Seungri jumped up to him and tried grabbing at his hand, only to be pulled back by security. "Yah! Yah! Let me go! I'm Seungri! Don't you know who I am!"He whipped his head and flailed his arms and legs until the buff men threw him out of the club.

"What happened?"Youngbae suddenly asks. Daesung following behind him.

"Must've been acting too wild for the club."Jiyong giggles, the group now forming into a small circle of only four. Daesung rubbed his forehead and groaned. "Do you guys...feel weir-"

And with that all the boys fell onto the floor. Except Youngbae. He stared down at the group fallen at his feet. "What the...?


"We're dying,"Seungri groaned as he rolled to his side. He pulled up the blankets but Jiyong pulled them back. "Yah! Don't forget that we're sharing."

Seungri just buried his head into the pillow under his head. "This, is why you don't drink without a chaperone." You chuckle with a thermometer in your hand.

Youngbae opens his mouth wide so you could slip the cold glass object under his tongue. "When you say it like that you make us sound like kids."

You glare at him. "Well you all act like kids."

Daesung lets out a loud yawn. "Unnie please, we have a headache."

You smile and nod you head. "Yes, of course. Since you're all so bothered I'll go watch a movie on the couch." You excuse yourself from the room and leave without a word. "Seung Hyun I'm eating your sandwich!" You yell from the kitchen.

The deep voice man whines quietly, too tired to even yell at you to stop. "No," he mumbles. "My sandwich."


To be honest I loved writing this SooOOo much, if anyone else has any weird requests then don't forget to message me in my inbox or board. Okay, byeee!

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