Imagine T.O.P

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Imagine TOP feels bad because he's spending a lot of time on the new album so he decides to make it up to you *wink wink wink wink* ;D


As you're laying down in bed staring at your television with a bored expression and half-eaten Hershey bar in your hand, you hear the front door open.

"ただいま!" (I'm home) Seung Hyun yells throughout the house before walking in the room with a smile on his face.

You grin, "Oooh, you've been practicing."

He drops himself down on the bed next to you and kisses you a small 'hello'. "Yeah, I needed to brush up on some Japanese for the tours."

You smile at him before finishing the last bite of chocolate and adverting your attention back to the television. After a while Seung Hyun sighs and continues the conversation with a question.

"So, I know I've been gone for the album preparation...?" His body suddenly slides over yours, forcing you to lean back further into the pillows behind you. "Yeah?"

"Since I'm not home often and at work with the boys, I've been thinking about how I haven't been able to be here for you."

You keep silent, watching his lips move as he slowly crawls over you and pins you against the bed. "How about instead of paying attention to the album, I pay attention to you."

He stares at you with his intense brown eyes until he runs a hand up your side, kissing your jaw and focusing his attention to the crook of your neck.

His hot breath brushes against your lips as he kisses you softly and puts his hand on your waist. "I missed kissing you like this," he says, your cheeks bleaching a light red.

Seung Hyun continues to kiss you, the air between you suddenly growing hot and full of lust. You suddenly feel his hips grind against yours forcing out moan to be captured by his mouth. Seung Hyun smiles against your lips, as his hands remove your shirt, throwing it over his shoulder along with his own.

He shifts downward, his lips dragging against your skin, stopping when he reaches the hem of your pants. Your skin, flaming for his touch, you lift your lower half to make the job easier for him.

Discarding the unwanted pants, Seung Hyun's eyes wander greedily over your form. Seeing you in only black laced bra and panties, Seung Hyun only becomes more eager to have you.

His lips suddenly latch onto the side of your neck, marking you as his own with a light purple bruise. He begins kissing down your body, past your collar bones, between your      ts and finally down the middle of your stomach.

Your breathing shifts uneasily as he pulls down your underwear and tosses it aside. Cupping his hand around your heat, you hear him moan. "Does that feel good?" He teases.

You nod, your cheeks now a deep shade of red. You were in the haze of want, and couldn't help but clutch the sheets in your fists.

Slowly he slides his finger into you gaining a loud moan that made him want to hear more. He adds in another, pumping digits into you greedily.


SeungHyun suddenly pulls his fingers out and replaces your source of pleasure with his mouth

His tongue, painfully slow, runs over your wet center sending you waves of uncontrollable satisfaction. He was teasing you, forcing you to crave his touch until you couldn't take it an anymore and you yell at him to stop.

"Oppa, please..." you beg quietly, your fingers clutching at the bed sheets.

"Fine fine," he chuckles, stopping in his tracks before you sitting you up to kiss him. "I'll stop."

You barely got another word out before he removes his boxers and suddenly pushes you down gently. He presses the tip of his member against your core before slowly sliding himself in. You moan, loving how he filled you up, his member thrusting in and out. Your legs wrap around his waist, giving him more access and movement.

"Faster..." You say, tightening your legs around him.

He does as told, groans escaping his lips. The bed beneath you creaked, the headboard hitting the wall. Seung Hyun reaches out and holds the headboard with both hands for balance. His knuckles turn white.

You squirmed beneath him, your hips bucking against his to meet his thrusts. You moan loudly as his member brushes against the spot that made you see stars. Clawing at his back, Seung Hyun kisses you harshly. You place your hands on his chest, while Seung Hyun's hands guided your hips to slam onto his own.

The sounds of moaning and the slapping of skin echoes in both of your ears. Pulling out of you, Seung Hyun flips you onto your stomach and from there starts thrusting himself into you from behind. His hands grip onto your hips as you struggle to stay on your knees. With his member pounding into you, your hands ball into fists.

You feel him throb inside you. Your eyes are closed, feeling your body weakening by every single thrust he gave. Your     s rub against the sheets of the cover, causing you to moan uncontrollably. Seung Hyun's heart was racing, his breathing was becoming heavier. Your face buries itself into the pillow, his chin on your shoulder.

Just when you were close to a release, Seung Hyun slows down his pace. "...beg for it, ____." He whispered, licking your back erotically. You whimpered, pushing your hips into his own, wanting him, needing him. "S-Seung Hyun..." You keep rocking against him, feeling him playing with your s. You're breathing unsteadily, shaking your head in the pillow. you cried, still feeling his small thrusts of pleasure. He picks you up, your back against his chest, while you place your arms behind you, holding his neck. You tilt your head, capturing his lips passionately. He brakes it off, feeling your hot breath against his lips. He continues thrusting upwards, your hands making him massage your s.

Seung Hyun still keeps thrusting softly, wanting you to beg for a release. "____, I said beg." You opened your eyes, tearing up from the pleasure and the sexual frustrations. "Oppa.." you struggled to form words, but only moans seemed to escape from your lips.

He grits his teeth, holding himself back.

Removing himself from you, he pushed you against the headboard, then slamming himself into you. By doing so, he slams into your G-spot. He keeps his balance by holding the headboard with both hands, while you are pressed up against him, legs wrapped around his waist. You run your hands through his brown hair, lifting your head, giving Seung Hyun access to your neck.

Your s are pressed up against his chest, your s rubbing against his. Without realising it, your body starts to scream for release. "Seung Hyun-" You tighten your hold against him. Opening your eyes slightly, you moan into his ear. "Seung Hyun...please..." you beg.

His eyes widen hearing you say that. His hands grip the headboard tighter, as he starts thrusting you, making your back hit the headboard.

And with one hard thrust, he releases into you, making you reach your own limit. You gasped his name, feeling him lay on you, burying his nose into your hair. The two of you breathe heavily, staying in that position. Seung Hyun grips your back, giving you a kiss on your shoulder. Pulling himself out of you, the room feels hot, as a rush of tiredness goes through both your bodies.

He lays you down gently while flopping by your side. The room is quiet with only the sound of you two regaining your breaths, . He breathes out shakily. "_____,I love you." He turns his head tiredly before kissing your nose sweetly. A smile tugs at your lips as he places the covers over your body, moving closer so that he could wrap his arms around you.

"I love you too."


Here you go, I decided to post this early because their album will be coming out soon. Has anyone heard Loser yet? It made me cry, the lyrics are so deep and I could connect to them so much like ugh dfxgfgh. Tae's highnotes though

anyway, until next time!

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