Tazza 2 (G-Dragon)

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Jiyong groans, tilting his head back so he wouldn't have to see the gory film on screen. "Couldn't you pick a more family friendly movie?" He whines, pulling his arm from under you to cover his eyes.

You chuckle, keeping your eyes pasted in the television, waiting for the swirly-cheeked doll's next move. As much as you love watching horror movies, Ji hates it. He'd rather watch a chick flick than sit through hours of murder.

"Babe please, let's watch something else."

You sigh like you had just lost a raffle, immediately disappointed and bored. "Fine," you say as your hand snatches the remote from your side, changing the channel to something a bit more normal. Family Fued.

"I'm sorry," Jiyong sweetly coos in the softest voice possible. "I know you really like that movie, but I don't feel like watching a horror movie today."

You nod your head, still a bit annoyed.

Jiyong leans in closer to you, his cologne following after. "Kiss?"

He puckers his pink lips but you move back, glaring at him as his smooth baby face frowns sadly. "Since you don't want to watch Saw then let's watch something else that I want to watch."

He raises an eyebrow. "Is there blood?"

You nod. "A little."

"Is it scary?"


He looks at you, almost scanning you to see if you were lying. "Fine," he finally says, "what is it?"

"Tazza 2."

He stares at you blankly, blinking his eyes only once. "Hyung is shirtless in that..."

"I know," You smile as you stand up from the couch and to the small collection of DVD's by the television. You scan them all until you finally find it.

"Do you just want to watch it because he's shirtless? I can not wear a shirt too."

You chuckle as you put the disc in and turn around, stunned as Jiyong smiles at you, his body stretched across the couch. His head is propped up by his hands under his chin. "See?" He winks at you before taking off his shirt. He throws it at your feet and jokingly licks his lips. "Eh?" He raises his eyebrows, "Ehh?"

You roll your eyes, picking up the Tee before tossing it at his face. "Put your shirt on, Jiyong."

"Yah!" He yells loudly as you sit yourself by his side, "It's Jiyong Oppa to you."

You lean closer to him, taking the shirt off his face. 

"How about, TOP Oppa?"

He gasps. "No."

"Then stop acting like such a baby, it's not like I haven't seen him shirtless before."

You face the TV, pressing a button on the remote to start it. 

"What? When did you see him shirtless?" Jiyong pokes his face in front of you, his messy raven hair draping his face. 

You push him aside. "I've seen this movie before."

"Oh yeah..."

"Now shut up and watch the movie."

You silently lay down on his lap, looking up at him with a smile when suddenly he presses his lips against yours.

"What the?"

He laughs causing the corners of his eyes to crinkle. "Well I wasn't going to ask again."

You sit up, his eyes following your every move.

"Well," you slowly move your face closer to his, kissing his cheek softly with a sly smile.

"You didn't have to."

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