You Play 7 Minutes in Heaven

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After nervously pulling out a slip of paper from one of YoungBae's many snapbacks, Seung Hyun reads your name shyly. He stands up from the carpeted floor first then takes your hand in his, pulling you up gently.

As he leads you to the closet you feel your stomach flutter with billions of butterflies doing endless counts of loops and twirls.

"Have fun~," Seungri winks at you both before Seung Hyun closes and locks the closet door behind you. At first you stand in silence, the loud thumping of both of your hearts ringing in your ears. "We don't have to do anything if you don't want to," His deep voice softly whispers in your ear as he slowly inches his body closer to yours. "Just tell me when you want me to stop."

His hot breath brushes against your lips that are slightly parted, awaiting for what would happen next. He presses his chest against yours, pushing you back onto the cold wall sending chills running up your spine. Immediately his smooth lips meet yours and his hands slowly trace down the side of your torso. You hold the back of his neck with both of your hands, pulling lightly on his dyed white hair.

Seung Hyun pulls away from the kiss, a small gasp escaping your mouth as he leaves a trail of wet kisses down your jaw and to the sensitive spot on the side of your neck.

Soon enough he moves the kiss farther down. He passes your collarbone, tracing his fingers down to your stomach where he lifts your shirt and starts again on a spot under your ribs. He keeps his eyes on yours, only a small ray of light peeking through the crack of the door allowing him to see you biting down on your own lip. Seung Hyun lightly pulls on the button of your pants with his teeth. "Oppa..." You say but trail off as he swiftly unzips your pants.

Suddenly a loud knock sends Seung Hyun shooting up to cover your almost nude body.

"Time's up!" Seungri yells, his hand wiggling at the locked door handle. Seung Hyun releases a saddened sigh and caresses the side of your face before whispering something in your ear.

"Maybe next time."


Youngbae immidately pushes you against the wall after you're both put inside. "Here," He says as he wraps your arms around his neck. "Let me lead." His hands are pressed flat against your back, pulling you closer to his chiseled body.

He meets his full pink lips with yours and instead of pulling away as he expected you to do, you inch closer. He places his hands on your hips, pressing his bulge against you. The sweet smell of his cologne makes your heart pound faster than when your name was beingpicked out of the hat.

This is the closest he's been to you since you both played a similar game like this a few months ago...and you sure as hell are going to have fun with it.

"Youngbae...," You call heavily as you pull away from the breathless kiss. His eyes dart up to meet yours as if saying his name like that had ignited a fire inside him. He kisses you again, harder this time with much more passion than he had before.

His hands drag to the front of your shirt, slowly undoing the buttons of a red flannel you had on a few seconds ago. After finally removing it he breaks the kiss , breathing heavily as he stares at your revealed bra with hungry eyes.

Almost instantly his hands roam up slowly closer towards your chest, he leaves butterfly kisses down your jaw, nibbling at your earlobe when he gets the chance.

Suddenly as one hand moves closer up your thigh and closer to the spot where you eagerly wanted to be touched a loud pounding comes from the door.

"Times up, get out!"

He presses he forehead against yours and curses under his breath in frustration.

"Damn it."


His arms are on either side of your face, leaning himself on the wall behind you. Slower and slower he moves himself closer to you, the space getting smaller and smaller until both of your lips are forced to meet.

As soon as you kiss him back with your hand lightly touching the back of his neck, he pulls away and laughs, face buried in his hand with a cute smile following afterwards. "I'm so sorry!" He bends to the floor hysterically.

You begin to laugh too, the both of you feeling way more embarrassed. "Omo," He says shyly. "How about we do this some other time."

Your eyes widen as he peeks up at your face from his hands.

"If you don't mind at least..."


Too shy to make a move on each other you both stand in opposite ends of the small closet, waiting for the seven long minutes to be up. Then right before the time was about to be called he pecks your cheek and shyly goes back to the corner to where he was standing.

You try to protest but Jiyong calls time and pulls open the door.

"Did you even do anything?" The older boy questions.

"Maybe," Daesung replies, sitting back down on the floor with a huge smile on his face.

"Maybe not..."


Seungri immediately pulls your shirt off, kissing you without hesitation. "(y/n).." He breathes as he pulls away to take off his own shirt. "I want you to know that this definitely isn't going to end in this closet. I'm going to need more than seven minutes to please us both."

You laugh a little and watch as he begins attacking your neck with soft kisses. After a few seconds he tries to unbutton your pants but ends up fumbling with it like it was some sort of puzzle.

"Yah," He yells at the metal piece. "Of all times to not come off you choose this one. I've been waiting for this moment for so long."

You laugh and try getting it off yourself but it just wouldn't budge.

Then without another passing second the loud beeping of the stopwatch goes off, forcing you both to stop in the middle of your tracks. Seungri pulls on his shirt and you put yours on too.

"Don't forget, this isn't over."


Daesung SToP BeING sO CuTE yOU liTTle BaLL Of sunsHINe

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