Daesung *smut*

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Daesung sits on the couch boredly, starting at the television as you and YoungBae carry on a conversation in the kitchen. "Oppa," you say, a word that makes Daesung cringe if it's not used to address him. "I really like your shirt where did you get it from?"

Youngbae looks down at his shirt from behind the kitchen counter. "Oh this? Somewhere in Japan while we were on tour. You like it?"
You nod and continue washing the dishes from where you three had just eaten from. "You look good in it. And you're not wearing makeup either? You really are good looking." A laugh bursts from your lips in unison. "Thank you."

Daesung quickly shifts in his seat uncomfortably. His jaw clenches as you continue on praising his effortless style. Something you said "not many guys have."

Daesung's tongue runs over the smooth surface of his top teeth."Hyung."


"I'm not trying to rush you but, ____ and I have somewhere to go soon."

YoungBae's eyes widen slightly. "Oh, then I'll get going!" The older man steps off his stool and quickly heads in the kitchen to hug you goodbye.

"I'll visit again soon," he says, his arms wrapping around your body firmly. Daesung's teeth are digging holes into his bottom lip as the hug stays a second longer than expected. "See you later Dae."

He grits his teeth and forces out a toothy smile. "Bye hyung."

As soon as he steps out of the front door of your apartment. You turn to Daesung and lean against the counter to stare at him from the kitchen. "We have somewhere to go?"

Immediately, his eyes drag from the television screen to your confused face. "No, ____. We're not going anywhere. "

You chuckle and watch as he gets up from the couch and walks up towards you. At first he stays quiet, his elbows holding his weight up on the counter nearest the kitchen entrance. "Then why'd you make him leave?"

"I need him gone."

Your eyebrows furrow. "What for?"

"Just follow me." Daesung immediately takes your hand and pulls you to your bedroom. "What is it?"
Suddenly he locks the door behind you both and pulls your waist closer to his. His hands is pressed on the small of your back firmly. "So you like the way YoungBae sexy?"

Your eyebrows pull together. "Huh?"
"Do you think YoungBae Hyung is sexier than me?"

You raise an eyebrow,unsure of how to respond. "Oppa, what are you talking about...?"

Daesung then presses your back against the white painted walls and kisses you roughly. His hands wandering under your loose t-shirt, makes you pull him closer.
A smirk tugs at his full lips mischeviously before moving you from the wall to the bed where you are gently layed down and crawled over.

His eyes glisten as his tiger like body swiftly moves over yours, removing your shirt and tossing it over his shoulder.

"Oppa," you whisper as his lips part from yours and graze over your chest. Goosebumps trail the skin that he touches as he moves down your body and pulls off your shorts. "How come you don't think I'm sexy like YoungBae. "

"I think you're sexier than YoungB-" You say, a sudden gasp escaping from your lips midsentence. His fingers rub sensitive your bud through your tight underwear. Daesung smirks, pulls off your black boyshorts and tosses them on the floor.

"Show me then," he says, moving a hand on your thighs as he leaves kisses on the side of your neck. "Show me how sexy you think I am."

Immediatley you tug at the top of his pants, unbuttoning them and allowing him take them off along with his boxers. Daesung suddenly flips you over, your legs straddling him with his member pressed gently against your throbbing heat.

His hands hold on to your hips, guiding you down onto him until you bite your bottom lip and moan soft enough for him to hear. He smirks and pulls you close so his hot breath brushes againsg your ear. "The only sound I want to hear from you is my name coming from your lips."

Before you can reapond, his hands begin moving your hips up and down until you both continue at a rythmic pace. "Oppa," you stutter, fingers clinging tightly to his strong shoulders. He stays silent, pulling your hips down harder so your moans met with the sound of your slapping skin.

With a breathy voice you moan his name loudly and tangle your fingers through his brown hair, " Daesung..."
He continues slamming you down on to his erection, both your moaning and his grunting sending each other even more off a sensual edge.

Your back arches leaving your breasts level to his face. Daesung immediately bites down on your nipples, not hard, but enough to send shivers running up your spine and a gasp of his name whisking away your breath. He continues, taking your breast in his mouth and flicking his tongue against your nipple. The more he does this the more you find yourself grinding your hips harder down on him and even more sensitive to his lustfull penetration.

Finally after continuous thrusts and heavy breathing, you throw your head back squeezing your hands that are locked together and moan from deep down in your abdomen.

You hear Daesung grunt, feeling your contracting orgasm and continues thrusting until he too finishes and pulls you closer to his chest. The smell of his cologne and light sweat pulls you to lift your head from his shoulder and kiss his lips lightly. "Right now," you say, "you look really sexy."

He chuckles, kisses your forehead and holds you tighter. "So do you."

Sorry this is so bad I am so stressed right now, sorry guys :((( ily

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