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Daesung runs his lips over the nape of your neck, his hot breath sending shivers running down your spine. "Baby," his raspy voice coos from over you. "Wake up, the boys are coming over."

You groan and bury your face into your pillow. "Mmmmmph."

"Come on, get up. Do you want a massage?"

You tilt your head so your cheek is resting against the pillow. "Really?"
He nods and kisses your forehead. You smile and close your eyes. "Mmm. Okay~."

Daesung slowly places his hands on your shoulders and kneads them with his thumbs pressed against your back. You sigh loudly and lift your chin up slightly. "Oppa, the middle of my back too."

"You mean, here?" Suddenly Daesung straddles your butt and presses his fingers into your back. You laugh and nod your head. "Yeah."

He then slowly lifts the back of your shirt until your back is exposed and you feel his fingertips holding on to the side of your waist.

Daesung leans over, moves your hair out of the way, and begins planting kisses down your neck. "Oppa," you giggle once his hands grip tighter to your sides.


"Aren't they going to be here soon?"

He ignores you and kisses your temple. "So?"

"Its just that--YAH!"

Daesung had moved off of your body and swiftly turned you over so you're laying on your back. "Really, Dae? I was talking."

He smiles, runs his hand through his hair, and leans himself back on to the headboard. "Continue."

You sit up and toss your hair to one side."Its just that I really wanted to go out today. Now since the boys are coming we'll have to go to dinner some other time."
He nods and pats his thighs softly. "Aw, baby come here, I'm sorry."

You sigh as you straddle his lap and wrap your arms around his neck. "I didn't know you wanted to go out, you should have told me."

"No its okay, we can go next week since you're going to be busy tomorrow too."

One corner of his mouth turns up as he caresses your cheek.
"I'm sorry, Jagi," he says, gently kissing your forehead. "Maybe I can make it up to you?"

He places his hands on your butt and pulls you up his lap. "Now?" You smirk before leaning in and pressing your lips against his.

Daesung grabs your ass and rocks you back and forth on top of him. "Mhm."

Slowly, you grind against him until you feel his erection growing hard under his pants. "Mmm," he moans deeply, both hands squeezing your ass tightly.

Your lips curl up into a smirk and your fingers run through his wavy brown hair. Both his hips and yours meet with each other at a rhythmic pace until you shuffle to unbuckle his belt. After unzipping his pants and pulling them down a bit, Daesung grabs your waist and flips over so you're on the bottom.

"Let me lead." He growls under his breath, and you do as told, allowing him to pull down your pajama shorts and panties until he kisses between your thighs unhurriedly.

He delicately grazes his fingers over your wet center and smirks up at you. "So wet for me already?" With this he enters your core with his middle finger and strokes your clit with his thumb. You moan endlessly, your hips rocking against his touch. He then leans closer to your ear and in a husky voice says, "What do you want me to do now? Tell me."

"Daesung, please...," you gasp in ecstasy. "Please what?" He echos, pinning your hips so you wouldn't squirm beneath him. "Stop messing around and fuck me already!"

He chuckles and presses his smooth lips against yours. "Whatever you say."

Daesung immediately kicks off his pants and pulls off his shirt to reveal his muscular body. "Sit up, and take your shirt off." He commands, and you do as told, but only much slower. You take your time to tease him, making sure to keep contact with his hungry brown eyes. As soon as you toss it off, he chuckles and pushes you back down on the bed.

He doesn't hold off much longer. His black boxers are kicked off the bed and onto the floor before he eagerly thrusts in to you. You moan and clutch the sheets under you. "Fuck!" You squeal as he quickens his pace.

He groans deeply under his breath, each thrust making your legs quiver helplessly. "You're so tight." His raspy voice whispers in your ear. The air between you two seems to have thickened with heat. Your breaths are tangled into one as his seductive, plump lips suck along your neck.
With your eyes half-lidded, you glance over his sharp jawline that clenches with each powerful thrust. "Daesung I'm going to-"

"Not yet." he says, slowing down his pace as his hands begin to roam your body. His fingers ghost over your breasts, cupping them and pressing your nipples before he grunts and quickens his motion.

Moans bounce from your mouths and off the walls until finally he opens his mouth to speak. With a deep and raspy voice Daesung calls your name, crazy from the sound of your voice moaning his. With each thrust pushing deeper and deeper, your moans became louder and his breathing became heavier.

Usually Daesung wouldn't be so vocal, but today he was being a lot louder than usual. "Mmm," he grunts, his hips meeting with yours.

Spurts of electricity begin sparking throughout your nerves sending Daesung to grip at your hips with his once gentle fingers. He starts thrusting so deeply that you immediately gasp out his name and orgasm with his lips catching your screams between a kiss.

He doesn't stop stop then, but he slows down as you ride out your orgasm with you fingers digging into his back. After one last push deep inside of you, he releases and pulls out with a small groan.

With nothing but the sound of your heavy breaths exhaling in synch, Daesung lays himself beside you and sighs loudly.


You chuckle and turn your gaze towards him. "I hate to rush but shouldn't we be getting ready?"

"What for?" He asks, completely oblivious of the meeting he's planned with all the boys. "Oppa," you chuckle, propping yourself up in your elbows. "Seriously, get up, they'll be here soon."

"Who? Oh yeah," He mumbles under his breath. "I forgot about them."

You smile and jump off the bed to go wash up. "If you hurry up, we can shower together."

He glances back at the digital clock on your night table before following after you and closing the door.

"1:15, we still have time."

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