Imagine painting with Daesung...

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Imagine you're an art major and Daesung tries to draw you

"How's this?" Dae hands you a piece of paper with a girl drawn on in pencil. You turn it to its side, unsure of where the head was.

"Its uh...," your eyes scan over the doodle one more time. "Beautiful!" Your lips instinctively pull into a bright smile not wanting to disappoint him on something he's worked on for so long.

He stares at you, groans, and frowns. "Its horrible isn't it? I knew it." Daesung snatches it out of your hand and walks back to his desk desperate for something to to turn out at least decent. "No! That's not true, I love-"

Is it a girl?


"Its supposed to be you."

You bite your bottom lip. "Oh."
"Well I look good," you say, glancing over your shoulder at him.  "Dae," you yell as you notice that he's starting to erase his drawing with a pink rubber

"It's beautiful don't erase it!" You quickly step back from your canvas and snatch the paper out of his hands.

Mumbling something under your breath, you pull a chair all the way from the living room into your bedroom. "What are you doing?" He asks, standing up from his own seat as you tape his art on the wall.

Careful not to fall, you step down and look at his artwork. Besides the bright red finger prints you left because of paint, it actually looked pretty good. "Tada," you turn to face him and see he's glaring at you angrily.

Your face goes blank, oblivious that he was jealous of your abilities. "What? Is it crooked?"

"How do you just..." He walks over to your half painted canvas and examines it silently. "How?" You let out a small chuckle before stepping to his side. "Dae, don't get so upset, its just for fun."

Daesung scoffs. His jaw drops and his eyes go wide. "For fun?!" He glares.
"This is a masterpiece."

"You're a masterpiece." You suddenly whisper without thinking. His cheeks burn a bright red causing him to smile and look at the floor. "Ah...jinjja."

Victoriously, you grin up at his smiling eyes. "I'm serious Dae, you're perfect in all ways."
"Stop trying to change the subject." He frowns at you knowing exactly what you were trying to do.

A smirk sneaks to your lips. "What do you mean?" You grab his hands, paint smearing on his wrists as you tug him closer. "I'm not changing the subject."

With his face inches away from yours, he keeps a wide smile,"You're making me nervous _____."

You laugh. "Why? I'm just looking in the eyes of a masterpice."

"You're staring at me."

A smile spreads across your face. "Exactly."

He bursrs out in laughter before completely pulling away and heading out of the room.
"Aish, Jagi you really are such a flirt!"

Grinning, you pick your paint brush back up and watch him drop onto the couch.

"I love you," you say as you add another layer of paint to your unfinished artwork.

His muffled voice whines into a decorative pillow. "Love you too."


Dae is such a cutie I just had to make him all shy in this afshkskdk anyway I noticed that someone had stolen my work, combing two of my stories into one...Idk what to say because the "author" made it so obvious. A direct quote was taken! Ahdhajcj

anyway, bye guys!

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