Gym with Seungri

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***let's just say your friend's name is Aria


You walk with your eyes pasted on the various weights displayed in front of you. How does this even work? Do I just pick one up?

You glance around the room only to spot Seungri suddenly walking in with gym shorts and a tee. Immediately your hands snatch up the nearest weight. It almost falls on your toes as you stumble to walk back to your friend who's working out on the treadmill. "Oh my god, look." You say as you approach her with your hair draping your face so he wouldn't see you.

Seungri has been coming to the gym for a week now, he would come in building and go straight to the weights, glancing back at your friend instead of you.

"He likes you." you say, smiling at her in the most happiest way you could. "No way," she laughs. Her finger reaches for the power button before she jumps off and nudges your shoulder. "He looks at you all the time, plus, he's always checking out your butt."

Your cheeks turn red, but you know she's lying. Its so obvious that Seungri likes her. You try so hard not to be jealous too. "Aria he's coming over-"


"Hey." You both say in unison.

Seungri runs his hands though his platinum blonde hair nervously a few times. "I saw that you liked dancing."

You nod. "Yeah."

Relax ____. Breathe.

"She's really good actually."

Aria says after poking her head in and pushing your back closer towards him. You try hard to dig your heels into the tile floor but no matter what you tried she still managed to shove you closer.

Suddenly you fall onto him, causing him to fall back onto the equipment behind him with you caught in his arms. For a moment its just silence. Your eyes lock for seconds that feel like endless hours and the only noise you can hear is your hearts beating rapidly. "I-I'm so sorry!" You stutter, before stepping back and bowing.

He smiles shyly and glances at Aria before looking at you. "Its okay."

The butterflies in your stomach evaporate and is soon replaced with the feeling of cold emptiness. Hereallyisflirtlingwithher.

"I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be back."

Aria's hand brushes against your forearm as she leaves, winking at you when she's behind Seungri and out of his sight.

"Are those your weights?" He says, leaning forwards and grabbing them out of your hand. Didhejust...flexhisarm?

You bite your lip trying hard not to laugh. "Yeah they're heav-"

"These are so light."

He starts lifting them, curling his arms and flexing his biceps. Your eyes glance up at his eyes, arms then and finally his shirt.

"Maybe for you," you laugh.

He chuckles and continues lifting.

"Aria likes guys who lift heavy weights, you know?" You stare at him, waiting for a response. MightaswellhookthemupwhileIcan.

"That's cool. How about you? What kind of guys do you like?"



"I don't really know. I think Aria likes blondes though, she has a thing for them."

Seungri sets down the weights by his feet and runs a hand though his hair.


"She should date Taeyang."

You stare at him.

"But...I thought you liked her?"

His eyes widen. "No, no I dont. I mean, isn't it obvious."

His voice goes low and his eyes advert to the ground. "I thought you knew I liked you."


The butterflies in your stomach return. They do back flips and twirls until you feel yourself slightly grinning.

Seungri sighs, "I like you."

You furrow your brows. "But you always talk to Aria like a school boy with his crush."

He laughs. "___ I like you. A lot actually."

"But whenever we talk you always look at her."

He looks at he sneakers. "Because I want her to leave, so we could talk."

You stay silent. "I know that sounds mean, but whenever I try talking to you someone else is always there."

You stare at his dark brown eyes. "So you reallydo like me?"

He smiles cheekily, "I always have."

Looking down at your shoes, you smile shyly.

"With that said," he suddenly speaks. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

You laugh, "Yes, of course."

Seungri then pulls you into a hug, his arms wrapping around your waist as yours cling around his neck. "I wasn't sure how to ask you at first, but then it came to me. I needed to ask you out in the gym."

Pulling away, you stare at him and laugh. "Why's that?"

"So I can show off these."

He lifts up his arms showing off his muscles.

"You've got to be kidding me." You laugh, shaking your head disapprovingly at him.

He flashes his white teeth.



I don't even know what I just wrote but I'm so busy so here just have this xD

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