Imagine Taeyang...*kinky smut*

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You tugged at the straps bonding your wrists to the posts, twisting your nude body in frustration. YoungBae just stares at you, and you can feel him just looking at you with hungry eyes.

He's been trying so hard not to touch you for three days, three days of holding back not to have sex and kiss your pretty lips that always seemed to seduce him. Now all you could do was crave for him to touch you, crave for just a little brush at your skin from his gentle fingers.

Suddenly you feel the bed shift. Allthough for tonight you had lost one of your senses, he was sure to make good use of the rest.

Immediately he places his first contact with you on your neck, kissing you where he knew it would make you go crazy. His kisses line down your body, a wet trail down your stomach and stopping right at the top of your hip bone. This is where he stops again and watches you, unsure of where to start because he is too overwhelmed by your figure.

You just breathe, anxious for him to kiss somewhere else, anywhere.

"Oppa...-" you whisper but he shuts you up by beggining to trace the outline of your body with his hands, running them from top to bottom slowly and painfully. You're sure you are going to go crazy if he doesn't kiss you.

His lips suddenly meet your neck again, breathing out words that made you bite your lip so hard you whimpered. "I've been trying so hard not to kiss you, you know that huh?"

You nod as he then traces a path with his tongue to your st.
Again, you shift your weight but he pulls away as his right hand touches the inner part of your thigh.

"Let me take the blind fold off, please," you practically moan. He ignores you.

"I've been wanting to kiss you so much, more than ever actually."
YoungBae's fingers slowly trace up to your heat.

Your teeth gently bite down on your bottom lip. Oh my God I hate him so much right now.

Without making a sound, his other hand runs up your stomach and stops inches away from your chest. "Just...touch me already." You sigh.

This makes him smirk. Now he knows who's in control.
He spreads your legs as far as they could go, keeping his eyes on your facial expressions when he slowly moves closer to you.

Take the blindfold off.
Please take the blindfold off.

With the tip of his finger he slowly drags his it down your     before then pushing your legs up so your knees are bent and his hands are pulling you closer to him from the outside of your thighs.

You hadn't noticed that your breath hitched, and your back was slightly arched. All because you wanted him to just fucking touch you.

Then as if he knows enough teasing was enough, he suddenly runs his tongue against your core, sucking your pulsating    until you made the decision to pull hard against the bonds at your wrists forcing him to stop.


He chuckles and then uses his fingers to rub at your wet , sliding one in just to hear you moan in shock.

You lick your lips, bucking your hips at him so he would move but YoungBae cruelly pulls it out. "I want you to beg for me first."

You nearly melt hearing those words. "Tell me where you want me," he asks whispering in your ear his hot breath sending chills down your spine.

"Here?" He asks, his lips brushing agsinst yours; but not enough to call it a kiss. Before you could even respond to his question, he slides two fingers back in and out, "Here?"

You breathing slowly turns into a low pant as he increasingly gains speed.

"YoungBae I'm-" you start to whine quietly, but he pulls his fingers out and leans in towards your ear. "Not until you beg for it.

You whimper from under him, turning your head so you could at least try to move this damn blindfold off.

But that was no use, next thing you know he's flicking his tongue against your core, making you moan and twist your body until you felt like you were at the right angle to reach your end.

"I told you, " he laughs as he stops and trails his tongue painfully slowly once before continuing, "beg for it."

And that was it, you practically cried like a baby until you got what you wanted, you whine and keep bucking your hips when he jokingly touches your waist just too see how ny you were.

"Fine," he finally gives up and undoes the tie around your eyes, pulls off the bondages that nearly made your wrists raw, and carefully take off the restraints at your ankles. YoungBae mercilessly turns you over so you're on your hands and knees, pulls you closer to his hips and pulls down his pants all with one swift motion. You feel him start to tease you. He rubs the tip of his hard member over your center, sometimes going just enough to hear you gasp in pleasure.
That was music to his ears.

Then without wasting any more time, YoungBae slowly pushes into you, a long moan escaping past your lips as he does so. His hands suddenly squeezes onto your butt, pulls your closer by your hips and finally tugs gently at your hair.

You shut your eyes tight, feeling yourself as he pushes into you making surges of pleasure overcome all your senses. His voice is deep and hoarse as he grunts in synch with the sound of your pants. This turned you on more than anything ever could. Just hearing that he was feeling the same amount as pleasure as you were was enough to make you moan his name loudly. This of course turned him on even further, forcing him to drive himself deeper and harder into you until all that you could both hear was the sound of skin meeting, the bed creaking, and load moans coming from you both.

A few seconds later you come to your end, waves of satisfactory pulsing over your body until you are sure enough you were screaming "YoungBae" loud enough the whole  complex would hear. Not only that but YoungBae kept going, he thrusted into you fully and roughly and that only made you even more.

Finally, when you both came to your end, YoungBae falls to the bed, pulling you with him and resting you on his bare chest.
"Now we know why not to hold off touching for more than three days," he says with a kiss. The first kiss since you both tried a "no touching experiment".

"Well," you laugh softly. "Maybe we should try it again some other day."

He glances down at you with a slight smirk that almost seemed to ask for permission.

"Really?" He smiles slyly.

You chuckle and kiss his soft pink lips, "Yeah."
I'll be holding back on smut for a while guys okay sorry lololol I know you guys like smut but the last few posts have been straight up smut ?¿

:)))))) ily guyyyys!

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