Seungri Naver V Live

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"Hello." You say as you open the door to your house and watch as Seungri and a few crew members follow behind him. You cover your mouth with your hand as you laugh nervously. "Hello! You're ____, right?"

Your head nods 'yes' but your insides squeal out your response in excitement. "Well since we're live, then I'll introduce you." The younger boy clears his throat and purses his lips before immediately saying your name to the viewers online.

"Hello, this is ____, she is __ years old and I'll be doing whatever she asks me to do for her since that's what the title of my show is called."

You watch as he bends the cuecard in his hands, nods once, and looks in your direction. A chuckle bursts out of your lips as abrupt as mentos in a soda bottle. "You're nervous too, huh?" He smiles, but you keep quiet and nod.

A few moments of silence blanket over you two before he very suddenly points over towards an open room. "Is that your room? Mind showing me to it so I can get to doing your homework?"

"Oh, yes." Quickly you pat down your black skater skirt and lead him to your bedroom. A sign reading "Please Knock" greets you on your way in. "Ah," he says, glancing around at your minimalistic room. Everything is nearly white, only navy blue notebooks and bedsheets absorb all the colour. "You're very neat."

"Yes, well messy rooms make me uneasy."

He laughs and sits down in the beside your desk, eyes darting towards every pen and paper you neatly organised into stacks. "Then you shouldn't see mine."

Your eyes suddenly lock onto each other's until he laughs and throws up his hands in defence. "I mean, its not like you would ever really come over but..."

He glances down at the English homework on the desk in front of him. "Unless you'd like?" He whispers so quietly the microphone couldn't even pick it up. "Oppa-"

Seungri adverts his eyes at you making your voice cut off with silence. With his attention only on you, he whispers to you softly. "Let's talk about it after the show." Before turning back at the camera and smiling cheesily, he winks at you and slides his hand closer to yours.

"Let's start this homework, shall we?"


winkeu from little Seung Hyun ;)

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