Imagine BigBang...

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BigBang imagine or just Daesung?¿ idk xD anyway here's a little drabble thing.

Btw for those who don't know, tweaking--not twerking--is a dance move

You and Daesung are in the car listening to music, turning up to the most unpredictable song ever.

"GD that's me, who you? Not me, " you say along with the song as you throw up hand gestures in the most 'gangster' way you could.

Daesung laughs, smiling brightly as you continued tweaking and rapping along. "You like Jiyong hyung a lot huh, ___?"
You were so lost in the song that you didn't notice his question or that you were now parked at the front of your house.

"You can do it too man, gita chimyeon Kurt Cobain~"

Daesung grins as he takes out his iPhone and without warning begins to take a video of you jamming out, head bobbing and arms thrown up. Just as the song finishes you glance over at him, once, then twice again until you realise what he was up to.

"Yah!" You laugh, immediately covering your face. Daesung chuckles, "Say hi to Jiyong hyung."

"Hi Jiyong Oppa," you whine with pink tinted cheeks.

You've never felt more embarrassed in you life. If Jiyong finds out that you jam out to his songs on a regular basis he'll probably make fun of you for years. But for sure Daesung would. He loved seeing you happy, dancing loosely without worry. He loves that most about you, your free spirit that matches with his.

After sending the video, Daesung turns to you and guides your face in his direction.
"Look at me."

"What?" You snarl jokingly.

His full lips meet yours, kissing you gently until he pulls away and smiles. "You're really cute, you know that huh ____?"

Your blush turns even darker. "Dae-"

"I wish I could dance like that, I dance like Seung Hyun, horrible."

You smile brightly up at him. "That is true."

"See," he says, pulling you closer to kiss your forehead. "Don't be so embarrassed."

The corners of your mouth turn up before Daesung shuts off the engine and steps out. As he walks over to open the door for you he suddenly receives a message.

Jiyong Leader: That's not as bad as this

-video attachment-

"What is it?" You ask as his eyes suddenly widen. Stepping out of the car and peering over his shoulder you see a video of Daesung dancing wildly to Niliria.

"Oh wow..." You say. "This definitely isn't as embarrassing as me."

Glancing up at his blank face you burst out in laughter in the middle of the driveway.

"Yah, don't be so mean. You were dancing like this too!" He half laugh, half whines as you continue loudly. Daesung wasn't sure how to react, when did Jiyong take this video?

"Oppa," you call out as you suddenly hug him tightly. "Please work on your dance moves if you don't want to look like that on stage."

He scoffs, "You should be saying this to Seung Hyun, not me!"

Smirking, you pull away and peck his lips quickly. "Maybe you both should practice."

You suddenly run up the steps of your front door leaving Daesung behind. "Like you could dance any better!"

You smirk, glancing back over your shoulder at him.

"I can."


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