Imagine Seungri asks for...

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Imagine Seungri asks for phone sex...


"Hello?" You ask as you bring your phone up to your face and prop yourself up on an elbow.  "____? Were you sleeping?"

Your eyes glance down at the bowl of popcorn by your side and a console remote on the other. ""

His heart thumps harder in his chest as he leans back in his chair. "Can I ask you for a favour?"

"What is it?"

"Can you," he stutters a bit and clears his throat. "Talk dirty to me."


"Seung Hyun?"

He takes a while to respond but when he does he echoes your name.

"Seung Hyun, is this a prank?"

He sighs, tapping his foot against the carpeted floor of the studio. "Listen I don't have lot of time here by myself can you please-"

"No," you say muffling your voice  as you stuff your mouth with more popcorn.

"Fine," He glares at the glass in front of him before his lips curl into an evil smirk. "But when I get home, there's nothing holding me back."

You hear his voice become softer and maybe more aggressive.

You sigh feeling too lazy to even talk, but maybe there's a way out of this. "What if I dirty?"

He chuckles into the microphone and whispers softly. "Either way, that's not going to stop me."

You bite your lip to keep from smiling. "Okay well...I've never done this before."

Although you couldn't see him, you knew he instantly got excited. He keeps his cool though, sitting up straighter in his seat so he could feel more comfortable. "Just talk to me like you do when were about to-"

Suddenly the call goes silent. "Ri?" You say, but no one answers.
After a few seconds of waiting you finally hang up and receive a text message.

Panda: Hey, let's continue this later, Jiyong stepped in. Love you! ;D

You smile, continuing to feed yourself the buttery snack. "As usual."


This was short sorry xD but I hope you liked it

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