G-Dragon On The Phone

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Jiyong misses you since he's busy filming for MV's, so he calls you :)

"Hello?" Jiyong says when the phone stops ringing. His fingers play with the leather on his sweater, running his thumb over its smooth surface until you speak.

"Ji? Hey, what's up."

A smile spreads across his face at the sound of your voice. "Nothing, I was writing lyrics but nothing came to mind. What are you doing?"

You look up from the pot of instant chicken flavoured ramen. "Cooking, but how have you been, how's California?"

Jiyong's eyes scan over the schedule for the next few weeks. Only a few more days until he goes back to Korea and finishes the MV.
"It's, you know, same as always. Hot."

Stirring the noodles with a wooden spoon, you sigh. "Yeah I figured. So why'd you call me all of the sudden? It's kinda rare for you to have free time like this."

He leans back in the black swivel chair with his lyric book in one hand and his iPhone in the other. "Just wanted to see how you were."

You grin widely. "Really?"

"Yeah. I missed you... A lot."

Your hand reaches out to turn off the stove before moving the ramen to a cooler surface. "I miss you too, Ji."

"No," he says. "I miss you. A lot. So much I feel like if I don't see you soon my heart is gonna explode."

"You'll be fine, just a few more days." You ladle some ramen into a bowl.
"I can't wait a few more days. I want to hold you so bad, I've been starring at the right side of my bed just hoping to find you sleeping there."

"Yeah?", you sit down in your living room, switching the phone between hands. "Well I promise when you get back I'll be sleeping right next to you. Up until noon we'll stay in bed and you can hold me for as long as you want."

Jiyong flashes his gummy smile and taps his pen against the next blank page in his book. "I'd like that."

"But for now, Ji, you've got to work hard okay?"

He let's out a sad, deep sigh. His eyes close as he leans his head on the back of the chair. "Fine. I love you."

You blow him a kiss though the phone and smile. "I love you too, Jiyong."


:))))) super short because I have my Algebra FSA ugh, I hate Algebra.
Anyway, for those who haven't heard, BigBang will be making 2 more music videos for next month :DD 凄いね!
Okaaay, bye!

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