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"Hey," Youngbae's soft voice whispers in your ear as his arms wrap around your waist from behind. Jiyong's glaring eyes flame with envy as he spots your back pressing close to Youngbae. You giggle and turn away from you laptop in front of you. "YoungBae," You squeal as yo greet your best friend with a hug. "Oppa, where were you? I called you earlier so we could hang out."

He adjusts his hat, combing his brown hair back before placing the black cap back on his head. "Oh really? I was busy helping my mom cook dinner for an event."

You nod your head and smile warmly. "What did you cook?"

"Squid, kimchi, stuff like that."


"Yeah. Anyway I stopped by to ask if you wanted to come to the store with me? Maybe get your favourite ice cream, a pizza?" He continues naming foods with a wide smirk on his face.

You sigh and push your brown hair behind your ear "I can't right now, I have work to finish. Maybe later?" YoungBae's dark brown eyes scan over yours with sadness. "Please," he whines. "I don't get many days off and this is the only time we might get to hang out for a while."

Jiyong's hand grips tighter to the Vogue magazine in his lap making the sound of loud crinkling come to YoungBae's attention. "Come on, Ji. You can come too."

The youngest male grits his teeth and flips to the next page filled with models and fashion articles that would make most boys cringe with disgust. "I'm fine, I'll stay. You should go though babe. You've been writing a lot today."

With your eyes darting between those of your best friend and your boyfriend, you give up and decide to go to the store with him. "We'll watch one movie and then I have to come back okay?" Youngbae rolls his eyes and agrees plainly. "Sure, alright."

"I'll be back soon. Love you."

Jiyong kisses you good bye, a weak smile pulling at the corners of his lips. "I love you too. See you."


"Babe, not now, I'm tired," You groan as Jiyong sucks on the crook of your neck. He ignores your request and continues to kiss down to your cleavage, stopping when your hand finally nudges him off away from you. At first he just stares at you, watching your blue eyes lose their glisten before eventually getting off the bed and leaving into the bathroom. "Babe wait."

You sit up and follow after him only to have the door slammed in your face. "Ji- hold on!"

The shower then begins to run from behind the door and you hear a ruffling of clothing. "Babe you're not mad are you?"

The glass shower door closes with a magnetic click. "Babe."

Suddenly the door opens in front of you and jiyong stands shirtless in the door way with an angry glare in his eyes. "What?"

"What's wrong? Why are you so mad?" You say a bit scared as to what his response would be.

He chuckles and looks at the ceiling away from you. "You're really asking me that?"


"You seriously don't know?"

Jiyong rakes his fingers through his black hair and opens the door even wider. "I've been trying really hard. I really do. Seeing the way you both act...-" He sighs. "I'm not sure if I should feel upset, or jealous. I'm not sure how to feel anymore."

You open you mouth to speak only to have him chuckle sarcastically. "I'm really not sure any more." As tears well in Jiyong's eyes you stare at him to figure out why exactly he's so upset. "Oppa I don't know what I did, I'm sorry."

"You know how long it's been since I kissed you?" He asks. "Two weeks. I haven't kissed you the way I've wanted to kiss you for so long, in two weeks."

You swallow your saliva in silence.

"I have't gotten to hug you the way you hug YoungBae, or carry you on my back like he did today since...forever. I miss that. I miss being able to kiss you and hold you from behind without you being tired or so used to the taste of my lips. "

A tear falls down his face and onto the wooden floor boards. With a smile that reads nothing but sadness, he wipes under his eyes and stutters to continue. "I wanted to kiss you so badly today when YoungBae hugged you. I wanted to be hugged like that. Like you haven't seen me in days and the only thing you wanted to feel against your lips were mine."

"Why," he says, choking on his words."Why can't I just kiss you without feeling that you would rather be kissing YoungBae?"

Silence fills the air between you. "Jiyong I didn't know..."

Only then when a cold tear falls from your cheek and to your shirt do you realise that you are crying too. "It''s fine. I didn't think you would notice." Using the backs of both hands, Jiyong wipes his tear ridden cheeks and slowly closes the bathroom door. "Wait."


Suddenly you throw yourself on to him, wrapping your arms around his body so tightly that you feel his heart beating against your cheek. His warm body pressed against yours makes you pull him even closer. "Jiyong Oppa, I love you. I love you so much. Listen to me when I say this but I only see you, okay?"He holds onto you tightly and closes his eyes too. " I love you, Jiyong. Really."

He flashes a gummy smile before tilting your head up to face him. His soft lips press against yours, the familiar taste of mint bubble gum and honey exciting you as if you ave never actually kissed him before. "I love you too, ___. A lot."

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