G-Dragon Song Writing

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A gold fountain pen dances across a half written sheet of notebook paper with ease. Smooth and liquidy, the ink pours out Korean letters just as it has been doing for hours now.
The fingers on Jiyong's left hand knead your earlobe as if somehow it was giving him inspiration. Suddenly his hand spasmodically pulls away to cover his mouth. His eyes squint and his lungs indulge a large quantity of air. Achoo!

His cat like sneeze sends you smiling down at the book in your lap. "Bless you."

Jiyong sniffles, blinks hard a few times, and then picks up the pen that flew out of his hand. "Thanks."
Just as quick as he stopped writing, he begins again. Sliding his pen across the crisp white surface until he had stopped and reached up near your face with his left hand.

"What are you doing?" You say tensly, watching his motionless hand from the corner of your eye. "What?"

Tersely, you nudge his hand away and continue reading. "Don't touch me, you just sneezed."


With an eyebrow raised and a disgusted look on your face, you stare him down. "But what? You sneezed and you think you're gonna touch me with your infectious germs?"
You chuckle. "No way. Go wash your hands first."

He drops his pen and twirls in his swivel chair to face you. "But bAAAABE...I'm feeling really inspired right now."
Jiyong groans, throwing his head back causing his burgundy hair to fly back into a spikey mess. Gravity is not his friend when he's upset.

Your teeth gnaw on your tongue to keep from bursting out in laughter. "I'm not getting sick for you, Ji. Go wash your hands."

His plump bottom lip pokes out cutely. "Fine," he mumbles. "I'll go now."

His thin body pulls away from the chair towards the bathroom. "Thanks babe." You smile cheekily, happy that he actually listened to you for once. Usually when he's sick he gets grumpy and irritated. Today he's somewhat happier than usual.

"Done." He sighs, patting his hands on his dark denim pants. Jiyong's hand immediately pushes past your ___ hair to your earlobe. His warm thumb and index finger send a giggle to bubble out of you. "What was that?" His cheesy grin making you both laugh wildly.

"It tickled," you say, smiling up at him widly. His soft lips lay a gentle kiss upon your nose causing you to giggle. "Oh," Jiyong says as he takes a seat next to you. "Cute."


In case you haven't heard, DramaFever now has the BigBang documentary for all VIPs with a membership to watch online~ yayay ♥♥

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