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Imagine you or BigBang gets a bit...clingy 



Just as you are about to get up from the couch to get a snack that  Seungri kept asking you for, you feel something tug at your arm. "Yes?" You sigh at another delay.

The boy wiggles onto you so his head is resting in your lap. He smiles and swipes your hair out of your face. "I love you."

You raise an eyebrow. "What are you talking about?" Again you try to stand up but he pulls you back. "Can't I say I love you? Do you not love me? I knew it." Suddenly he jumps up, dragging you with him. "Why don't you love me? I'll make you food."

He  walks to the kitchen and picks up a wooden spoon, a wide smile plastered on his face. "Eh?"

You just chuckle and roll your eyes.

Immediately he let's out a long saddened whine.


Seungri walks up to you and hugs you tight. "Why don't YOU LOVE MEEEE!" His head tilts back and he cries out again.

"Why don't we ever cuddle like we used to?" Seungri shakes you by your shoulders when suddenly you get a call from your boss.

"Right now?" You ask, one hand out pushing Seungri away while the other holds your phone up to your ear. A sigh escapes your lips before you hang up and head to your room. "Where are you going?"

He looks at you with wide eyes and follows you to your closet. "To work."

"But its Sunday!" He holds onto your arm like child.

"I have to go. Love you," You laugh, and kiss his cheek.

"Love you too."


Seung Hyun groans loudly, wrapping his arm around your body to pull you closer.

You nudge him away with your elbow, "Its really hot in here."

Still, he puts his leg on yours and continues to pull you.

"What are you doing?" Your eyes glance up at his, and a smile spreads across his lips. "I'm cuddling you."

You chuckle. Usually you were the one who'd be acting like this. Laying on your side with one arm resting on his chest, one leg bent over both of his.

Now its Seung Hyun who's squeezing you tight, constantly kissing you; something he didn't really liked doing on a normal day with everyone else around.
But today he kissed you right in front of Jiyong as if it was nothing.

"Seung Hyun," you warn as he suddenly begins to nuzzle his face in your hair. "Choi Seung Hyun!"

He stops to look at you. "What?"

"Why are you acting like that?"

He pouts his lips. "I just miss you."

With a blank expression on your face you just stare at him. "I've been with you the whole day."

"But why don't you love me!" He suddenly jumps on you, all of his body weight resting on your hips.

You sigh, too tired to argue about something so silly. "I do love you."

He leans over and hugs you, surprisingly he isn't even that heavy.

"I still want to cuddle though." His muffled voice speaks into your neck.



You sigh deeply, your head turned towards Daesung as he reads a book in silence. Ever since he asked you too stay with him in Japan for promotions he's done everything but be he's natural sweet self.

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