TOP Amnesia

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Reader's POV

Staring at his sleeping face in front of me, I try hard not to cry. I've been holding it back for so long, I'm not sure when I'll burst.

Tap tap

"May I come in?" The doctor asks as she looks up from her clipboard and walks over to Seung Hyun's side. "Yeah."

"His amnesia might not be temporary."

My breathing stops. The pit of my stomach feels empty. "What do you mean?" I stutter. Fingers twisting around my wedding band until I couldn't feel the skin under it. It felt numb. Just like me.

"It's been days now, he still hasn't said anything about his past. You might have to take into consideration that it might not be the same when we send him home tomorrow."
Her chestnut brown hair falls off her shoulder while she takes another blood sample, and places it in a small container. "Are you sure?" My legs almost give out as I stand up and grab his hand. "There must be something else you can do, right?"

She stays silent.
I whimper, "Right?"

"I'll leave you two alone."
She then takes her test tube container in her hands and excuses herself, leaving the hospital room with stale air.
Just then do I burst. The hot tears I've been trying to hold back for so long finally steam down my cheeks. My breathing, shaky like my body when I sit down in the chair resting my head on his chest. "You can't leave me," I whisper to him. "Please. You have to remember."

Although I've said it so many times to him the past few days, it's never worked. He always looked at me with confused eyes. Asking me again and again who was I and how come I called him 'Baby'.
He wouldn't remember. He would never remember.

Droplets of tears form on his paper gown. He used to call then little puddles of sadness whenever I cried on his shoulder, now they're nameless. Unknown.

I glance up at his closed eyes. Eyes that I've seen when he smiled and cried for who knows how many times.

With my lip quivering as I try to regain me breath, I softly kiss his cheek before whispering quietly in his ear, "I love you."


"Good morning."

Seung Hyun just stares at me blankly, and I've gotten too used to this. Now I just sit by the chair next to him and smile. God, how hard it is to smile so robotically in from of him.

He suddenly opens his mouth after looking me down. Staring at my profile as if I couldn't sense him looking. "Come here." He says.
"Come here."

When I stand up to get closer he grabs my left hand and pulls me so my ear is near his mouth. "Yeobo," his raspy voice mutters softly. "I love you too."

Immediately I turn to face him. My eyes lighting up and a smile tugging at the corners of my lips."What?"

"I love you, ___. I missed you so much."

As if this is my cue to start crying, I do. He hugs me as tight as he can, rubbing his hand in a circle on my back until I somehow manage to pull away after a few short minutes.

"You remember me?" I smile, unsure if I had just asked a question or made a statement. Seung Hyun reaches up, wipes the tears off my cheek with his thumb and flashes a toothy smile. "How couldn't I, I wasn't going to let temporary amnesia stop me."

"How'd you know?"

He sits himself up in his bed. "The doctor told me. I woke up speaking in Korean until I realised where I was and asked her about you."

He grins."She was so excited that she called you immediately."

"Thought she called me because I was supposed to pick you up." I chuckle.

"Yeah, well that too." He laughs.

Oh my god his laugh. I missed it so much, that when he laughed out loud
I smiled like an idiot. "I really missed you."

He looks up at me with sparkling eyes that read 'I missed you so much more'.

But he settles with "I missed you too," and pulls me closer by my hands. "Now come here and kiss me, I've missed that too."
GUESS WHOS GOING TO BIGBANG'S CONCERT IN NEW JERSEY? If anyone is else going to the concert (Oct. 10th) maybe we could meet up anyway, thanks for reading!

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