Camp with Taeyang

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***(f/n)- friend's name

After finishing up a day of voluntary camp counsuling, you walk back into the main building. Glad because you are finally out from under the burning sun, you snatch up a water bottle and swallow it down.

"Hey ____, should we go grab dinner later?" Your friend asks as she approaches your side. Her dyed brown hair is up in a ponytail with the camp shirt tucked into a muscle shirt. "Yeah sure, where to?"

You finish half the bottle before putting on the lid and setting it down on the nearest counter. "Chipotle?"

The name of the restaurant makes your nose scrunch up. "I hate Chipotle."


"Gross," you scoff.

She told her eyes and stares down at her white Nike's. "Fine, you pick."
"BurgerFi it is." You smile, pushing yourself from off the wall before going to the next room down the hall.



Locker room.

You look past the small window on the door and that it's empty. Hmm. Shoes squeak against the tile floor under you as you carefully open the door and head towards the pile of bags on the floor.

Bags tumble off each other as you push them off in search for your plain black draw string backpack. "____, what's taking so long?"

You quickly grab your bag and walk out the door stumbling over your own feet. "Sorry I couldn't find my bag."

She nods an okay.
"You driving?"

"If you want me to."

She pouts her bottom lip, eyes big and dewey. "Please?"
A chuckle erupts past your lips. "Fine."
"Get your phone out, I'll show you."

You had just finished ordering your meal and are now waiting for your number to be called. "It's in my bag, can you get it for me?" You say, turning around for her gain access to your backpack.

After a minute of shuffling around you ask if she found it yet. "No but... What's this?"

She pulls out a snapback and a few gold chains. What the...?

"Who's is that?" You say, pulling the bag off your back into your hands. Both of you search though until you find a black iPhone. "Let me see."

"No, hold on a second."
You click the power button and find that the wallpaper is a picture of... YoungBae?

"Is that...?" She laughs and looks up at you with amusement. "I have YoungBae's backpack." You say with shock stinging in your voice.

"Was he volunteering today?"

"241?" The cashier calls loudly. You quickly go up to the counter and grab the green tray with your burgers.
"I saw him having a water balloon fight with the kids..."

"Wow, wait a coinci-dink." She smirks, nudging your shoulder right before sitting down at the outdoor tables. "Shut up. We only spoke a few times anyway, he doesn't like me."
Butterflies swirl around in your stomach at the thought. "Oh come on, the way he looks at you makes it so obvious!"

"He doesn't like me (f/n). I just know it."

She takes a huge bite of her burger and a sip of her Sprite. "Should we go back and return it to him?"

You nod. "Of course."

"Maybe he'll propose to you."
"Oh my God, (f/n) stop!" You smile at her nervously before suddenly something crosses your path.

"I'm s- YoungBae?" You stutter as you recover from the sudden clash between your bodies. "____, I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" His eyebrows raise in shock and concern. "I'm fine," you smile assuringly. "I just wanted to return your bag. I grabbed it by mistake while (f/n) and I-" Turning back to look at her, you realise she's left your side. "Went to Here you go."

YoungBae laughs warmly, eyes turning to the shapes of crescents as his teeth flash happily. "Thanks. I was wondering why there was a mint EOS in here. Now I know why."

Giggling quietly, clenching your backpack tightly as the butterflies are now doing backflips, you glance down at the ground at your shoes.

"Well, uh, talk to you later?"

"Yeah. See you next weekend."

He nods a goodbye before you both turn separate ways to continue on with your day. "Hey ____ actually do you um, do you want my number?"

YoungBae suddenly turns around after debating with himself on whether or not to come back to you.
Is he talking to me?
You turn in a circle to see him walking right back behind you.
"Me?" You ask.

God, that was a stupid question who else is named ____ around here?

He laughs, "Who else?"

You grin and take out your newly found phone from your bag; the correct bag this time. "Yeah, sure."

He puts his number in and hands it back with a closed-mouth smile on his face. "Alright, call me." You smirk. "I will."

YoungBae turns to walk away, but to your surprise begins waking backwards. "Don't forget, ____."

Your cheeks already sting from smiling so much, but you do anyway. "I won't," You say. "I promise."


Heeeeey, in case you guys don't know, I'm taking requests & I still put cute pictures/gifs/videos in each chapter so check those out if you like :)) byee

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