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"Hyung! We found your bag!" Seungri's loud voice roars through the entire airport. As the younger man runs up to Jiyong with a pink suitcase in his hands Jiyong looks around in embarrassment. "Oh my God, you are so loud!."

Seungri gently sets down his hyungs suitcase only to furrow his brows at the identical pink bag by Jiyong's side. "Wait is that your bag?" He asks as eyes look back and forth confusedly.

"요기, uh...I don't know; is this mine?"

Jiyong pushes up the dark framed sunglasses with two fingers and sighs as he spots an unfamiliar tag. "This one isn't mine." He says.

"You grabbed the wrong one?"

Jiyong nods embarrassedly and takes the foreign suitcase by the handle. "Let me go put it back."

Just as he is about to return back to the luggage claim, you quickly spot your bag and tap on his shoulder. "Excuse me," you smile, your eyes shining brightly. "I think that's my bag."
"Oh! I'm sorry I had grabbed the wrong one-I uh, um...here you go."
Jiyong stutters childishly as his brown eyes meet yours. Clearly you had caught him looking flabbergasted. You chuckle and take the handle, his fingers brushing against yours. "Thank you."

He looks at you and coughs. "Is it...cold in here?" The back of his hand meets his cheeks and forehead before he sighs and glances around the room. "Hm, not really."

Suddenly you both hear a loud laugh from a child burst from a few feet away.

Wait--that's not a child. That's Seungri!
Jiyong glances back at the boy who's face is nearly red with mischief. "I uh, have to go."

"Jiyong-ah! Are you okay, you seem quite sick?" YoungBae suddenly comes up behind his best friend and wraps his arm around his shoulder. "No, I'm okay."

"Are you sure, you're a bit pink. Oh? Who's this?"

Jiyong hangs his head in embarrassment. Not again.
"I actually have to get  going," you chuckle as you point back at your friend who's watching you all from a distance. "Oh I see. Have a great flight then!"

After you walk away YoungBae bubbles out laughter and hangs himself like a rag doll over Jiyong's shoulder. "Yah!" He scolds with a hit to YoungBae's arm. "Stop doing that!"

"Is that your only way to pick up girls, acting like you're sick? Ji you need another approach!"

"Is it cold in here?" Seungri coos in a girlish tone as he approaches his Hyungs with tear-filled eyes. "아,진짜~!" Jiyong whines and immediately walks away from the boys to go find his hyung. "Seung Hyun-ah!" He calls before catching him taking pictures of the plants near the exit. "Hyung help."

Seung Hyun takes another picture and shakes his head. "Not now, Ji; the plants need me."



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