Imagine T.O.P...

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T.O.P *smut* *requested*

After coming back from a formal dinner with some coworkers, you come home to find Seung Hyun sitting in a chair with a glass of burgundy coloured wine. He swirls the wine around before bringing the glass to his lips and sipping it in silently. Oblivious that you had entered, he keeps his eyes at the wall with only the sound if soft jazz being heard. Slowly, you walk to the table in front of him to pour yourself a glass.

He shifts his gaze from the blank space on the wall to the exposed cut out on the back of your dress. His dark brown eyes trace your curved outline until he reaches the smooth length of your legs.

Finally you straighten up and down the whole glass at one time, placing your glass back down on the table before towards where he's sitting. He watches your every movement, the way your eyes stuck on his, down to the way your heels made your hips sway when you walk. You sit yourself sideways on his lap with your legs dangling over the edge. You wrap your arms around his neck as he looks intensily into your eyes. You draw closer to his face, pressing your lips against his giving him short little kisses. Without breaking away he places the wine glass from his other hand onto the side table and runs his hand up your thigh.

You shifts your position, placing one leg on each side of him, straddling him as he wraps both arms around your waist and pulls you closer to him. Your dress rises, your center meeting the hardened bulge beneath his pants, you grind onto it.

He moans softly and leans in near your face making your noses touch. He kisses across your lips, trailing down your chin, working his way down your neck as you lift your head to allow his movement and close your eyes. He moves down to the nape of your neck sucking close to your collarbones, leaving wet trails to cool down as he moves on to a different location. Brushing his lips down to your s which are partly exposed by the deep V of your dress, he sucked on the bare parts, leaving light red spots. You moan to his touch and grind harder onto his hardened ; it twitches under your aroused center and he moans a swear word.

He lifts your dress up as you bite his neck leaving your marks stamped on him. Your hands search his body wildly, moaning in unison, you yank on the buttons of his shirt, still grinding, your body yearning for him, craving for the simplest touch. He rips the dress off your body exposing lacy lingerie, tossing your dress, he took your s in his mouth . You moan and whisper his name, your hands roaming his bare chest, his toned abs under your touch heated with movements. He suddenly lifts you as he stands. Your legs around his waist, you slip the shirt off him, dropping it.

Laying you down on the couch he straddles you above your wet center as you try to pull him down to you. "You better not fucking tease me, Seung Hyun." You breath feeling him pushed hard against you.

Through his pants his bulging members fought to be release.

He chuckles, ripping off your bra with one hand, slipping your thong off with the other. The single string of your thong snaps at his grasp, "too bad, it was sexy while it lasted" he laughs at this and tosses your lingerie to the ground and trails his hands up and down your body still straddling you at the waist, eyes brimming with lust, admiring each curve as his finger brushes over them. From your collar bones to your chest, heaving with needs, to your ribs, down your stomach, circling round your belly button, and down your hip bones. He watches you, stroking your outer thighs making his way to the center as you lean your head back against the couch with your eyes closed, feeling the waves and tingles of his touch. As his fingers draw near your center you grab his hands, stopping him with a greedy smile. "Let me lead." You breathe into the kiss you placed upon his lips as you pulled yourself up. He smirks cockily.

Pushing him back against the other side of the couch, you lay on top of him, crashing into his lips, sucking at his bottom lips. You lock his arms on both sides as you slither down his body, sucking and kissing every bit of bare skin making him jerk multiple times under you. You make your way to his pants and unhook the button with your lips, grabbing the zipper with your teeth as you unzip his pants feeling his erection squirms under you. He buckles beneath you groaning heartily.

He's weak to your touch, you want him to be weak, to succumb to what you have to offer. You smile into the kiss and pull away, "You were waiting for me to come home weren't you, Oppa?" you tease. He breathes heavily his response, "Yes."

With out warning, your eyes still on his, you slide down his throbbing member. As your opening adjusts to his hardness you can feel him pulsing inside you as you clench to his strong shoulders. You both let out a scream of gratification.

He pulls your torso to his chest as your hips move rhythmically. You ride him feeling intense surges of pleasure passing through your body. He holds you tight moaning and screaming your name as you bite gently on his neck, your heart rate racing against his, trying to reach your highest point. You were near your climax and he can definitely tell. Seung Hyun pulls out cruelly and watches you moan lustfully. He thrusts into you deeply as he grunts hungrily for a release and pushes hard into you, throwing his head back and screaming your name. Seung Hyun runs his fingers over your spot and blood rushes wildly through your core, heat burning inside you. You feel his inside you as he moans out loud. You moan his name louder than ever, riding it out till the last second, "Seung Hyun!"

You both moved in synch, finally slowing down before you crash into his chest as he falls back down to the couch, breathing hard , hugging each-other tightly, you both wait till you calm down. When your breathing returns back to normal you look up at him with your chin resting on his bare chest, "Did you really wait for me to come home to do this?"

Your hand bushes his brown hair out of his face. "Yeah, since this morning."

You smile slyly, "sorry, I won't keep you waiting next time."

Seung Hyun kisses your forehead and smirks, "Good."


G night

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