Arguement (G Dragon)

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Imagine you and Jiyong get into a fight and he gets worried you'll break up with him


"(Y/n) please!" He yells your name as you walk past the living room to the room you've both shared for over 3 years.

Without hesitating you slam the door shut behind you.

The sound of his walking footsteps soon start running until you suddenly hear that he's pressed against the door. Jiyong exhales deeply, his breath bouncing off the door so you can hear.

"Please listen to me...I-" He takes in another shaky breath. "I don't know what to do anymore."

You turn around so you could hear him clearly. Your chest is now pressed against the door the same way he was and your breathing became softer. When it becomes so silent that you can hear his own heart beating rapidly you try to talk, "Jiyong..."

"No, let me explain." You look at the door quizzically unsure of what he was talking about. "I need to tell you this now, while you're still here to listen."

Jiyong clears his throat, tears beginning to form in his eyes; but you don't know that, you can only listen to his broken voice through the slab of wood separating you two. Unable to do anything but listen, you drag your back down the door and sigh. "(y/n) There's no other way to tell you this but, I'm scared. I'm scared that you'll leave me and because of that, I can't sleep. When I come home with dark circles under my eyes it's not because I'm stressed over work but because I have the thought of losing you stuck in my head. These past few days, we've been arguing a lot, but I still feel your kisses carved onto my skin. Just thinking about losing you makes me want to scream."

You open your mouth to speak but he continues. " I don't want to lose my reason for waking up each morning, and I don't want to keep faking a smile like I used to before you."

"Jiyong...," you whisper hoping that he'll stop talking and let you open the door. But he doesn't. He continues to let his voice shake in frustion, a side of him you've never heard before. "I don't want to lose you (y/n)...I can't lose you." Jiyong whimpers out a small cry. His hands pulling onto fistfuls of his own black hair. "And I can't believe this door is keeping me from seeing you right now." He sighs and mutters something to himself. "You feel so far..."

What was he trying to say?

You keep yourself from bursting out into tears by biting your bottom lip. "Ji let me open the door."

He stays silent but still manages to take a few steps back onto the wall behind the door. Cautious as to where he stood, you slowly open the door just enough for you to walk out and look at him.

All he does is look at you and instantly his eyes fill with tears. "You don't understand how much you mean to me," he stares down at the floor not wanting to see you look so sad because of him.

You want to reach out and hug him but you can't, your knees lock into place and your arms are frozen by your side. "Please," he whispers. "I can't lose you too."

Suddenly he pushes himself to you, holding your body in his arms as his cries come out in low muffles on your shoulder. Your arms wrap around his thin body and you run your hands along his back until his sobs get softer.

"I just need to know if you really love me, that's all I want. I just want you to be mine."

With hot tears falling down your cheeks you pull Jiyong away to look at him. "I love you, Kwon Jiyong. I really do." Carefully, you wipe the tears off his smooth cheeks and smile reassuringly. "I won't leave, I promise."

The corners of his mouth turn up slightly and he brings you in for another hug. "I don't know what I'd do without you. I promise I'll try not to get so angry when I come home, okay?"

You chuckle, "By the way Seungri's acting, I'm not sure that's going to work out."

Jiyong bubbles out in the familiar cute laughter that gave him a gummy smile; a smile that can keep you happy for days.


After finally resolving the argument that started it all, Jiyong went to sleep in your bed for the first time in a while. Usually, if he got home late he would sleep on the couch with a pencil in hand and notepad on the floor beside him. When you finished brushing your teeth, you walk back to bed and tie your hair in a ponytail.

Jiyong snores softly, his body lying in the same position you always find him in. His head rests on his arm which is acting as a pillow, while his other arm is resting on his chest. You grin to yourself just watching him sleep so peacefully. Slowly you climb into bed next to him when he then sighs, makes a "nomnom" sound, and stops snoring. Again you try to move into a comfortable position, and when you do you find yourself facing the man whose face looked like one of an infant.

Your hand reaches up to brush his black hair away from covering his eyes. "Mmm," he grumbles and extends a leg.

To keep from laughing you shut your eyes tight and bite your lip.

"Oh Ji..." You mutter before closing his opened mouth. Drool is dripping off his mouth and onto the pillow under his arm. What a baby.

Like a caring mother to her child, you kiss his nose and bid him goodnight, repeating the famous phrase sung by the one and only, Kwon Jiyong.

"Baby Goodnight."


おやすみなさい, I'm so so tired. I hope you like it! I'm very busy with other requests so I did something a little different. Thank you guys for all your support!

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