Daesung Loser (2)

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He would walk home with bruises covering his face. A busted lip only bleeding for a few minutes. Everyday he would wander the streets. Lost, confused. What had I done to make me deserve this?

Better yet... What haven't I done?

Each day he would come home, his cheek split from a punch, eye dark with broken vessels and your scarf wrapped around his neck.

"You look best when you smile." You said. But still Daesung hasn't smiled in a while. His morose expression would start his day and end it like the sun and the moon would someone else's. Still, you managed to look at him and see nothing but a man who smiled when you did and made you laugh like he was the only one who could.

"Hyung?" His younger would ask after coming home from who knows what. "What happened to your face? Did you get hit?"

Whenever he would try to get closer to his face Daesung would just turn away, staring down at he floor allowing his bangs to curtain his eyes. "No, I just got in an accident. That's all."

Each day he responded from that. Each day he endured punches to the face, kicks to the ribs and saliva spat down on his skin until finally he would break.

Finally he would fight back and throw his fists at another man like he's practiced in the mirror so many times before. He would scrape his knuckles on their faces and kick at their legs as others pulled him away and still, he never managed to feel accomplished. Still after attacking them just as they attacked him he still didn't feel satisfied. That's when he realized he might never be. Not with his life, not with what he's gone through.

He's been violent, hateful, aggressive. Only because he was pushed to the edge by a group of boys who continued to call him ugly. A bastard.  A coward. A jackass covered in scars.

After minutes, more like hours, of endless wandering on the busy streets of California, Daesung comes to a sudden stop. His eyes stare at the man in front of him, his guitar singing alone sadly. He had either been paralyzed by curiosity, or amazement, it was still unclear to him.

Song after song, he continues to watch until he eventually tosses a dollar in to the hat by the man's feet. Daesung then wanders again, passing by buildings he's never seen and streets that seemed entirely foreign.

He was lost. Not only on the streets but within himself. Before circling down the same streets over again, he then stops near the edge of a sidewalk and stares at the passing cars.

His head tilts to the side so his dark brown bangs could fall past his eyes. "____," he mutters, watching the headlights of  each passing car light up the streets. "I wish you were here to see this."

His lips curl up into a smile before he suddenly takes a shaky step onto the pavement. Slowly, he makes his way towards the center of roadways and waits quietly.

"It's beautiful." He says, eyes lighting up from the bright headlights speeding towards him.

"Just like you,____. I love you."

To make up for the last one I have made this, don't cry too hard ._. Goodnight/morning!

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