I Love You Daesung

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How Dae says he loves you for the first time


*Readers POV*

No one had ever kissed me like that. Not the way Daesung did. His hands cupping both sides of my face, eyes closed with passion enough to fill the sun.

I pulled away with my lips slowly pulling into a wide smile. "What was that?"

Daesung's joyous laugh filled my ears. "Just a small kiss."

He runs his hand though his light brown hair and faces forward back towards the TV. That definitely wasn't a normal kiss. It felt more... magical.

But he didn't kiss me like that because we haven't seen each other in days, but just because 'he wanted to.' I laughed. "That's it? Just a 'small kiss'? Damn Dae, I really felt something there."

With that he turned his head back in my direction. "Felt something?"

"You've never kissed me like that."

His right index clicks the small red button on the TV remote. "I never did, did I?"

He was smiling as he talked, sounding aware to the fact that he felt something more than a spark in that kiss. "Do you think...?"

My eyes widened. "I'm not pregnant!"

Daesung chuckled and flicked the tip of my nose. "No, I mean. That actually might mean that I...love you?"


With nothing but silence in our ears, we stared at each other until I finally opened my mouth to speak. "You love me?"

He buried his face in his hands, then quickly removed them to answer "Yeah, I think I love you. No," He turned his body in my direction and with a sincere look in his eyes told me he loved me.

Stumbling upon my words, I smiled. "I love you too, Daesung."

His soft lips kissed the top of my head, forehead, and finally my nose. "You have no idea how happy I am to hear that."

With a grin from ear to ear, I slowly whisper the words."Me too."


So sorry this is so short but I have a bad habit of writing when I'm super tired and this is all I could muster up before passing out. Goodnight/morning!

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