T.O.P "You Like?"

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Omo, I'm so sorry, I didn't realise it was Sunday until 23:31 ;-;
Sorry for the late update!


"____!" A  voice calls excitedly with loud footsteps to follow after. "____, help me make a video!" Seung Hyun's deep voice roars in your ear as he enters the bedroom wearing a large grey hoodie. He quickly tosses you his phone and fixes his messy appearance.

Fingers rake through his brown hair before setting himself in a strange position. Seung Hyun props one leg on the side if the bed and leans his elbow upon it. His fingers in the shape of an L meet his chin until a smoldering look tugs at his face. "Cut it off when I finish my sentence, okay?"

"Got it," you nod. "Okay go."
Your thumb immediately presses down on the red button causing a small beep to sound. "좋아? You likeeee?"

When he finishes your finger retracts from the button as you burst out in laughter. "What was that?" You smile, unsure of how to react to his strange ways. He tugs on your wrist, pulling you to a different location in your house.

As he guides you into the living room you see props set out on the coffee table. "Really Oppa? I just cleaned the house."

His deep chuckle sends dimples  pressing gainst his cheeks. "Don't worry I'll clean up later."

A sigh escapes past your lips as he rapidly adjust a large black hat on the top of his head. A sneaky smile replaces his old one, eyes excited as a red mustache is placed on his smooth upper lip. "Go." He cues before reciting the annoying phrase over again. "You liiiiiiike?"
After ending the recording, he rips off his useless disguise and smiles down at you. "Thank you jagi." A gentle kiss upon your lips shows his gratitude for your hard work.
"No problem. Now clean up, Daesung is coming over later."

He nods, picking the hat back up before you silently leave the room. Only a few seconds later after you leave to continue working on bills, a high pitched voice errupts from the living room. "You liiiiike?"

"Seung Hyun!" You yell sternly. He better not be making another video. "Sorry," He  responds ashamedly.
"I'm cleaning now!"
You shake your head disapprovingly and press your face into the palms of your hands. "You better be."


o.o thanks for reading ♥ ily guys

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