Imagine you go on a date...

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Imagine you and TOP visit Rome and you go on a date...
"Are you ready?" Seung Hyun knocks on the bedroom door, eagerly waiting to see what you would wear. "Ready." You smile as you peak your head out and step through showing off your new outfit.

His jaw drops making your cheeks turn light pink. "Do you like it?"

You glance down at your black peter pan dress and your heels, a smile spreading across his face as you do. "When I bought this I thought it would look so pretty on you but with you wearing it now..,"

He takes your hand and smiles, "You look beautiful."

You smile up at him, "Thank you."

Without another word Seung Hyun glances at the watch on his wrist, a black Rolex he received as a gift last year. "We should get going."

You nod along, grabbing your purse before heading out the door. Swiftly your arm clings to his as you both walk arm in arm down the stairs. Right before the last step you stop in your tracks. "Is that for-"

"Us?," He smirks. "I usually don't like to draw attention to myself, but I thought today should be special."

Seung Hyun glances down at you with a sparkle showing in his eyes.

"I love it."

"You'll love me even more when we get there." He leads you closer to the modern black limosine, gently tugging at his own red suit as a warm breeze brushed by.

"Ladies first," he winks as he opens the door for you. He's such a gentleman.
You chuckle and allow yourself inside before he soon sits down beside you. "I've been wanting to take you out for a while, now we can without being bombarded by fans."

You smile and so does he. "This is perfect."

"You think so, I was so nervous and I wasn't sure where to take you."

"Well don't be," Your painted red lips kiss his smooth cheek. "I'll love it no matter what."

He smiles. "And I'll love you no matter what."

Your lips curl into a small smile, and before you know it Seung Hyun is leaning closer towards you. His soft lips press against yours, kissing you softly until he pulls away grinning ear to ear.

"We're here." The chauffeur slowly brings the car to a stop. Tipping his hat as a goodbye, the man turns around. "Thank you," you smile as you step out into the side walk. The warm spring air brushes against your bare skin allowing your dress to move slightly. "Wow," you gasp when your eyes reach the velvet sky.

You've never seen such beautiful colours spread across the sky. It's as if someone had hand painted it with water colour. "Seung Hyun, this is seriously gorgeous."

He looks down at his black dress shoes then back up at you. "I was hoping you'd like it."

He moves his arm around yours and begins walking in another direction. You pass by small shops and cafés, occasionally laughing and engaging in conversation before you finally realise where he's taking you.

As your eyes lay upon the view of a field with few trees and flowers, you smile. Your eyes look over the other couples laying down on blankets and laughing joyously. "Seung Hyun-" you look up at him and notice that he's already looking at you.

"You've been talking about how much you wanted to go to a drive-in theatre," he looks away now much more nervous than he was before. "So here we are."

You suddenly wrap your arms around him, smiling at the familiar scent of his signature cologne. "Oppa, thank you so much."

"You're welcome."

Then, without warning he picks you up in his arms bridal style. "Yah!" You squeal as your arms link around his neck. "I don't want your shoes to get dirty."

You scoff. "Who cares about my shoes, I got these from Payless, your shoes are like $500!"

He laughs as he continues walking to a set up area under a tree. "Oh well."

As you approached the tree you look down at the red cloth spread out on the grass. You glance at a basket which you assume is filled with food, then up at Seung Hyun. "You really put a lot of thought into this."

Carefully, he places you down on the blanket and immediately lays by your side. "Well here we are," He brings his arm under his head and sighs deeply.

Propping yourself up on an elbow, you look down at him and push his brown hair out of his face. "Thank you."

He chuckles, touching your cheek with his palm. "Stop thanking me ___ , just enjoy."

He rubs his thumb against your skin, smiling at you with loving warm eyes. "I'm not thanking your for this," you say as you place your hand over his. "I'm thanking you for taking me with you. Especially here, to Rome. I never thought I'd see such a beautiful scenery with someone I truly love."

"Well," he probs himself up on his elbows smirking at you mischievously. "Thankfully for me, I can wake up to a beautiful scenery everyday."

You feel your cheeks grow hot and you smile shyly. You let out a small whine, looking away so he wouldn't have to see you acting so shy. With a soft touch he turns your chin towards him. "I mean it. Okay?" I love you- wait wait, since we're in Rome I'll say it in Italian. Ti amo."

Your forehead rests against his shoulder as you both laugh loudly.

"Ti amo, Seung Hyun. Ti amo."

He kisses your forehead with a loud smooching sound. "Ew," you wipe off his kiss with the back of your hand. "You need to learn how to not kiss so slobbery. Its like kissing a dog."

He laughs and kisses you again, this time how he would normally.

"Then teach me."


So flirty ;) omo I hope you like this, I've been so busy this week because of spring break :o anyway, please enjoy

I'm taking requests in my inbox and wall so if you have anything in mind feel free to message me :)

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