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He stood before me like one of those majestic, naked gods in the human paintings.

I left my intake open, gaping at his form.

He raised an optic ridge, "I have been capable of transformation as of yesterday-"

"Oh my Primus... Your voice is so sexy." I said as I started circling him. He froze and shut up, clearly not expecting that.

Perhaps he thought I would stumble back in fear but not admire his form.

Oh, his spikes.

"You're so hot! Your spikes, your colour, your... Everything!" I gaped.

He seemed to be growing more uncomfortable by the second. "You're missing a digit." I informed him as I counted only four digits.

"That is normal." He said stiffly as I examined his faceplates.

"I have to tell the others!" My helm snapped up in attention.

He stared in confusion as I headed for the door, "they already know." He called after me.

"All of them!" I shouted, already dialing Oppy's com.

I entered the hallways as he picked up.

"Who is this?" He asked.

"Your first drinking buddy." I smirked. "And boy, have I got news for you!"

"Hold on- yes it's that one Ratchet." He said less firmly. So Ratch was there. "Yes?"

"The Predacon can transform!" Maybe that was meant to be kept a secret but I don't care.

He went silent, "that is... Concerning."

"And he's got hot as hell too." I added.

"I doubt that." He muttered, jealousy lacing his tone.

"Oh his voice, and his form!" I went on merely for the sake of it.

"I've probably seen better." He said firmer.

"Oh, where?" I challenged.

"In the mirror." He mumbled.


Well, he has a point.

"Oh, I forgot about you." I said as an after thought.

I felt as if I could hear him blush. "And after your upgrade..." I went on. "Everything must be bigger." I said referring to the fun we had.

"Well yes." He said rather strained.

"Oh and I forgot about your voice." I said flirting further. "So deep and enticing- oh shit."

"What?" He said quietly.

"I gave myself an erection." I said looking down, only just realizing.

He seemed to have choked, "how?" He sounded as if he was grinning.

"I dunno. I was thinking about you." Only after I said that did I register what I said.

Well I'm tactless.

"Forget I said that." I said hurriedly.

He was considering it. "No, I don't think I will." He was definitely grinning. Ratchet probably thought, what the hell is going on?

"Forget it, or I get Laserbeak to show the whole ship of our little adventure." I threatened.

"Forget what?"

Good, now I need to forget this now too.

"Who are you talking too?" I new voice filled my audios, Megatron.

"Um... No one."

"Pardon?" Optimus asked through the com.

"Hold on," I said to Megatron. "It's Megatron." I said to Optimus.

"Who are you calling?" He stepped forward.

I got on my ped tips to tower over him, trying to intimidate him. "Don't ask who I call and I won't ask why Soundwave was in your berthroom last night."

Optimus snorted over the com and Megatron recoiled.

"Fine." He said, then looked down at me. "When I said 'go frag yourself', I didn't mean it literally." He said before before heading off.

"I didn't!" I called after him.

"Could I have an explanation?" Optimus asked.


"Oh." He sighed, disappointed.

"We still need to have that race though." I said, perking up. "But I'd definitely beat you."

"Um, sure." His voice sounded strained.

Suddenly light, fast ped steps could be heard and so, I turned to it's source.

It was Knockout.

"We gotta go." He said.


"We need to manage a mine." He said.

"Why not take Breakdown?"

"Megatron said I'm to distracted with him." He rolled his optics.

"You are." I pointed out.

"To the command unit, come on." He started walking away, hastily.

"I gotta go." I told Optimus and hung up.

I walked down to the command bay and saw Knockout with Meg.

"You have a strong cannon." Megatron stated as he turned to me.

"Yes?" Where was he going with this.

"But you have bad aim?" He asked.

"Er, no. I just don't hit directly."

"Why?" He said as he raised his optic ridges.

"So I don't damage anyone to much." I don't want to kill bots, I don't think I ever have actually.

"Well, you will take a sniping position at the mine as well as surveyance."


Megatron nodded to Soundwave and he opened a bridge.

Knock and I walked through.

The mine was infront of us as we stood in the clearing. It was dug into a large cliff side with plantlife all around.

I transformed into my alt and flew to the top of the cliff, where I had the best view of the operation. Some boulders up the top hid me from view better so I sat down and relaxed.

I don't think this is what I was supposed to do, but I looked over the mine every now and then.

"Why do you always get the easy jobs?" Knocky asked through the com.

"They're the least important jobs." I corrected him.

"That makes sense. If you mess up, it won't matter."

"Yup." I said, completely embracing the fact that I was basically useless.

Knockout left the com and went back to whatever he was doing.

However I saw some color at the edge of the tree line.

The Autobots...

I have to shoot at least one of them.

Arcee was there, I could shoot her. Nope, she's to dainty, it would damage her to much.

Who else?

Everyone except Ratchet was there, so I had options.

Optimus is of the list and so is Bee and Arcee.

I could blast Smokescreen's leg off? Nah.

Magnus... Well, we'd never be on speaking terms agian.

Wheeljack? No, he annoys Maggie and needs to be rewarded for that alone.

Bulkhead, however was really buff. If I shot him square in the chassis it wouldn't to much damage. A few bit of plating may come off, that would be fine.

Megatron's twinWhere stories live. Discover now