175: It's the Little Things

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I knocked on the door and the moans paused. Ratchet looked like he had a helm ache.

"Sup." Knockout started as he opened the door, "What do ya need?" He asked.

"Sparky stuff." I said.

"A quiet work place." Ratchet grumbled.

Knockout rolled his optics as Breakdown walked out, "We're not that loud!" He argued as Breakdown spun his wheels. "Sparky stuff is in the cupboard." He said and pointed to the corner.

"Cool!" I said and swiped it. Ratchet just continued to glare. "If you don't like it, just tell Optimus... Or Megatron." I told him.

"No-" Knockout started and Breakdown looked scared.

Ratchet now had a smug grin plastered on his faceplate, "I think I might." He started as I left for my berthroom.

The plan went bad. Egg started.

What plan? I asked as I walked.

The plan I needed Optimus for.

And what was the plan? I asked, Optimus' frame better not be burnt.

Well, Shockwave left the Uranium out of reach, above a device, so I needed someone tall-

You enlisted Optimus' help for your drugs? I started and headed for the lab.

Ahhhh, yes. Anyway, Optimus knocked something over and science happened, I'm trying to find him. She said, I HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IT! She started with new found panic.

Chill, I'm coming down. I said.

Oh Primus? I think I'm having a panic attack- I DON'T WANT MORE CHICKS! She shrieked.

Did you turn him into a chicken? I asked.

No but- She started as I walked in.

"Relax." I started, she was venting more than she should be, with occasional wheezes. "What did you do-"

I didn't do anything! She started and I spotted the uranium next to her. I haven't had any!

"Well, take some now." I said, "Where's Optimus?" I asked and looked around.

Under the ground bridge looking thing. She said and wolfed down the goods.

I looked around.

"Bleep!" A little chirp came and I looked down. Oh scrap.


I'm busy. Egg started and I quickly took the uranium from her, Hey!

"Be mature and help me, the Elite chickens would want that-"

Oh, I forgot about them. Egg started, But I don't know what to do-

"Get Shockwave, and... Alpha Trion?" I suggested.

Fiiinnne. Egg drawled and waddled off.

I turned black to face Optimus.

"Bleep! Bleep!" He started again, looking rather confused.

I knelt down to him, "You know who I am?" I asked, might aswell ask if he was sane.

"Qwwweeeel!" He chirped, so he's sane. "Blep?" He started and looked down at himself.

"So you've turned yourself into a sparkling-"

"WAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" He wailed, so he wasn't too happy about this.

How do you calm down a sparkling? I asked Meg.

How should I know? He started.

Well just tell me what you do know! I shrieked and tried patting Optimus on his little helm.

Cuddles? Meg suggested, Why?

Ok cool. I cut him off and picked up Optimus, his wails dialled down to a sniffle. "Ok, that's better?" I asked.

He nodded.

"So, you know who I am-" He nodded, "Do you know where we are?" I asked.

"Nemenemeis." He tried and buried his faceplate in my chassis.

"Ok, so you're sane." I nodded, he also nodded, albeit slowly. "So why are you crying? You're mature-ish?"

For that, he just gazed into a wall.

"Or not, I'm just going to put you down while I have a seizure, kay?" I said and put him down.

"Woop?" He asked and looked at me in concern as I took some sparky stuff.



Next thing I know, I'm on the floor and Optimus is sitting on me.


I let him shriek as I checked my systems, that must be the nicest seizure I had for a while! I must have gone loopy before I felt any pain! Yay!

"Quee?" Optimus started then started a fresh set of wails.

"Oh my Primus, I'm fine!" I argued and he shut up. "So whiney." I grumbled and his optics started watering. "I'm just teasing!" I started and hugged him, then got a bit uneasy. "You're not going to leak on me right?" I asked.

He let off an angry growl and proceeded to sulk.

Then I heard Egg's squawking and heavy ped steps. Optimus went very blue in the faceplate and tried to hide.

"Oh great. You're embarrassed."

"Yas!" He yelped and scrambled for a cupboard.

"Take your pick, embarrassment, or having to stay as a sparkling."

"I'll groow!" He argued as he closed the door. Argh, his sexy voice is now all high pitched.

"Sit in there for a couple vorns then." I said as Shockwave walked in.

"What did you do?"

"I didn't do nothing."

Egg squawked a bit, looking like she was taking the blame.

"It's not her fault either!" I started.

"What happened?"

"Right." I nodded and knocked on the cupboard. No response, "You come out or I'm dragging you out." I started and the door opened a crack. "We don't need to tell Megatron." I added and that seemed to do it.

Shockwave just stared as Optimus crawled out.

Egg started squawking again and waddled over to the Ground bridge looking thing.

"It is a ground bridge, I am just compacting it." He said. "What did he press?" He asked and Egg pointed. It looked a lot like the on switch. "It hasn't been calibrated." He added. "He was lucky."

"Lwucky? Lwucky!" Optimus started in protest.

"Are you self aware?" Shockwave asked.

"He kept his memories." I started, "But not his maturity." I added, trying not to let the brat hear. He snorted and stood up.


He slapped my ped. Well, maybe it's a good thing we weren't stuck with that sparkling my spark gave up on.

"Ground Bridges are portals through space and time." Shockwave started, "In this case, only time was applied. Causing a wormhole of sorts that would have collapsed on itself, and anything nearby." He looked at Egg, "Where were you standing?" He asked.

Egg sat down and squawked.

"Twurn me bake?" Optimus asked.

"It will take time." Shockwave started and Optimus was back to sulking.

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