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I woke to soft tapping on metal, I onlined my optics and looked around. Everything was well lit so I assumed it was morning. I sat on the berth which was hidden slightly in the shadows. I spotted Ratchet organizing his materials, he seemed oblivious to my presence.

"Morning Ratchet." I chuckled. I was most surprised when Ratchet gave of a shriek and hurtled a wrench at me. I narrowly avoided the wrench by ducking and sent a glare at Ratchet.

"Optimus!?" He shouted towards the doorway as he eyed me with wide optics. Hasty ped steps could be heard coming closer and Optimus stepped into the room.

He looked at me then at Ratchet, "is something the matter?" He asked ignoring Ratchet gaping at his question.

And since Ratchet seemed like he wasn't going to answer soon, I came in aid. "Ratchet almost decapitated me." Optimus raised an optic ridge.


I pointed to the wrench beside me, that seemed to be answer enough. Optimus nodded grimly in understanding.

He turned to Ratchet as I smirked in victory.

"Why di- "

"The prisoner is in the medbay and you don't seem the least bit concerned." Ratchet stated rather calmly.

"I have deemed him no longer a threat." He explained.

"Not a threat?" Ratchet repeated, "what changed for you to say that?" He asked making it sound like it was a miracle.

"Well... I have been well behaved." I suggested.

"You've been a pain in the aft!" He said as if it was obvious.

"Do you mean literally? Because I could arrange that." I said as I got up into standing position.

"That is unnecessary." The prime interrupted, stopping future plans. "Quillux, if you promise not to harm anyone you may stay here."

"Optimus you can't be serious, he's evil, Megatron's twin, a Decepticon." Ratchet argued.

"Evil?" I started angrily. "The only reason I'm with the Decepticon's is because Megatron is my only remaining family." I hissed. "and as for 'evil...'" I took out one for my optic lenses to reveal my blazing blue optic. I watched both of their expressions morph into surprise before putting it back on.

"As I was saying, you may stay here if you promise not to be hostile in any way." Ratchet, this time, made no move to oppose and moved back to his station.

"Sure, cross my spark and hope the die."

Optimus nodded and looked at Ratchet who was frowning. "Fine, but you tell the others." He said and turned back to his work.

I internationally squealed, yay! No more restraints and soon they might even let me out of the front door!

Optimus nodded before he left, most likely briefing the others, their voices were muffled so I heard nothing, hopefully not telling them of the events from last night.

Soon the three with charges left to gather the humans and Optimus and Smokescreen came forth to Ratchet. "We're going out on patrol, will you be fine on your own?" Optimus asked.

Ratchet glanced at me and I shrugged innocently, "that depends."

I rolled my optics, "forgetting about my promise so soon?" Ratchet narrowed his optics and set his tools down. "Fine!" He exclaimed, throwing his servos in the air. Optimus found this enough confirmation and turned to the exit.

I lay back down on the berth trying to catch up on lost recharge, but I was interupted when a sharp sting went through my spark. I haven't had this in years, I began to panic. The pain continued to pulse as I tried to calm my venting. My distress eventually became visible to Ratchet.

I clutched my chassis and attempted to sit up only to crumble against the wall next to the berth, I closed my optics hoping the pain to go. Eventually it began to settle and the only thing I felt in my spark was the bond I had with Megatron (which we recently opened, as we had it closed before).

I felt him trying to get through and opened the connection, immediately I felt worry. He must of felt my panic, I sent him a wave of reassurance to say "I'm all good" and then I closed the bond off to say calm without distractions.

I opened my optics again to see Ratchet looking at me concerned. "Something wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing." I muttered, not wanting to elaborate. By the look on his faceplate he didn't believe me but decided to leave me be.

I didn't want to share my condition, I have a weak spark, not as weak as some. But under stressful conditions I use to much energy and my spark cannot keep up, so it fails and begins to pain me. Another bonus is I have a temporary system failure.

Which is why I am currently checking my functions. All was fine except my left leg, it had short circuited and was temporary unmovable. All I could do was wait it out.

It had been a long time since my last spark failure so I decided to calm down further untill I finally drifted into a light recharge.

I awoke to loud shouting, as I came to it began to die down. I got up noting that my left leg had gained some strength but was still wobbly. I clearly hadn't recharged long.

I left the medbay and came across a smartly dressed human having a raised chat with Ratchet. "-Because if you don't-" He cut himself of as he spotted me. He froze and only glared at me wide eyed as Ratchet turned to find the source of his distress. His optics landed on me and turned back to explain to the human, he was too late.

"What in Sam Hill is Megatron doing here?" He exclaimed in a mixture of confusion and panic. I rolled my optics, this is getting old. "I'm not Megatron." I said and headed back to the medbay, I was to stressed for this. I was never directly involved in the war anyway.

"He got a case of amnesia?" I heard the human ask, I wish, I thought bitterly. I sat back down on the berth as Ratchet began to explain. I felt worry go through my spark bond with Megatron and I opened the connection. The worry got stronger and there was some surprise, perhaps even a attempt at conversation but our spark bond is not yet strong enough for that. I sent him some amusement and that shut him up, I felt confusion soon after. I only responded with some calmness before the others arrived with their humans. I cut of the spark bond and got up, Optimus and Smokescreen also came through.

I noticed no one was paying attention to me and looked over at the computers. What if there is valuable information on them? No, I'll just stay put for now.

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