50:Busy Day

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Egg, full of wrath, valiantly charged up to the demon of old.

"The frag?" She muttered as Egg pecked at her peds in warning.

Oh, I'm so proud of her.

She roughly kicked Egg away with her ped, earning a angry cluck from Egg.

Then she opened her beak and let crimson, gold flame devour the wrong do-er.


I watched as she drove the spider away, spitting fire equal to the Predacon's.

When she was done, she posed proudly.

Arcee's and my intake were wide open in shock.

I tore of the web stuff with my free servo, which I could've done the whole time, and walked over to Egg.

"I'm so proud of you!" I said and hugged her, she grinned. "You're the best Chicken ever!"

"YOUR CHICKEN CAN BREATHE FIRE?" Arcee shouted in shock and she struggled to tear of the webs.

"Seems so, it's a good thing too." I said and messaged Egg, I'm defiantly gonna make her my symbiote.

Suddenly a large Mech stumbled (clumsily) through the tree line.

We all looked over to him.

"What happened to your servo Magnus?" I asked him as he took in the scene in front of him.

He went over to Arcee and helped her with the webs. "What happened?" He asked her.

"Arachnid." She grumbled out.

Suddenly a memory hit me and I marched over to Ultra Magnus.

I tapped him on the shoulder, which was ridiculously high up, and he turned.


I kneed him in the groin. "That's for killing all those Predacons."

He crouched over out of pain and surprise but recovered quickly and glared at me.

I crossed my arms and Arcee just watched in anticipation.

Magnus took a threatening step forward but Egg stopped him.

Arcee stepped forward and grabbed his arm. "You don't want to risk it, Sir." She warned him and eyed the CyberChicken.

Now, instead of being angry, Magnus was confused.


"The Chicken." She said quietly.

Egg walked over to me and sat on my ped protectively.

"So..." I begun. "How was your day?"

He looked at me as if I was crazy.

Hey, maybe I was crazy. But crazy bots don't know they're crazy so I'm not crazy. But then I know I'm not crazy so I could be crazy...

"You know what, I think he can be useful." Arcee said.

"Aw thanks." I said as I put my servos over my spark.

"The coordinates to some energon mines." She instantly demanded and Magnus looked over to me as well.

So I happen to meet the two bots that will not hesitate to torture me for information. Lucky me!

I shrugged honestly but got out some high grade, one of the last in my chassis, and offered in to them.

They eyed it and ignored it.

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