127: Aft warmer

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I made it to my berthroom safe and sound. The chickens were gone on a field trip with Soundwave so I was left alone with my thoughts.

That wasn't a good idea so I called someone.

"Yo." I started.

"Yolo." He said.

"Huh?" I asked.

"Hmm?" He asked.

"When did you start speaking like that?" I asked.

"I lose brain cells talking to you." He said.

"Yea, makes sense." I stated, "If Megatron has a more desirable desire to kill you-"

"What happened?" He asked.

"An interrogation went to his favour... or mine, I'm not even in a cell-"


"Oh, he knows we're courting and you were the Sire." I explained.

He let out a squeak of horror.

"He took it rather well." I added. "May have seemed a bit conflicted. Can I come over?" I asked.

"Um now?" He asked.

"Yea." I said, heading to a monitor, "The chickens are with Soundwave." I added.

"Sure." He said as I pulled up a ground bridge.

"Great! I was gonna come even if you said no though." I added as I walked through.

"Lovely." He said as I popped up outside the base, I saw him peek out and hung up the call. "You alright?" He asked as I approached.

"Hmm." I hummed, "It's not everyday that your brother discovers your sexual life." I said.

He nodded, "A word of warning," He started, "The humans, since the Nemesis, have been trying to figure out who you sexually engaged with-"

"I told them not to tell-"

"They haven't, it's just between themselves-"

"Anyone in there?" I asked.

"Magnus is with the wreckers and Bumblebee, taking a scouting party. Smokescreen and Arcee are going through the road laws. Again." He explained.

"So only Ratchet and Trion." I said and walked in.

"And the humans." He added.

"Huh. Up for round three?" I asked.

"Pardon?" Optimus asked as Ratchet cringed. Alpha Trion mouthed a 'no' in his direction. "No?"

I made a ring and slid my digit through it.

"No." He nodded.

"Why not?" I asked as the humans came into view, they eyed me suspiciously. Oppy glared at me. "Fine." I grumbled, "Wanna go for drive?" I asked, already getting my holoform out.


Then Miko let of a wolf whistle. We all glared at her, "What?" She asked.

"You can't just- argh." Jack groaned.

"Oh come on, they're clearly in each others pants." She complained.

Optimus was looking at the floor in determination.

"They don't have pants." Jack pointed out.

"Then how do they hide their hole and pole?" Miko asked.

"Maybe it's small-"

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