120: Dead as a Door knob

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I woke up in the medbay, feeling very numb and hyperaware at the same time. I squinted around and noticed Megs sitting at my side. I couldn't find Knockout or Breakdown.

"Waaat Hapeppen?" I asked.

He blinked and look down at me. "Spark failure." He said, seeming conflicted.

"Ooooh." I said, "You were reeeally mean." I pouted.

"Sorry." He said, it sounded sincere.

"Say that again!" I was wide awake now. I needed proof my hearing was hearing.

"Sorry." He said, his ego was really going places.

"Ehhh, it happens." I said and hugged him, with great struggles. "But who I fragged is non of your business." I added.

"Ok." He said, that's when I noticed that he was rather nervous through the sparkbond, and a little sad.

Then I saw my voice mails, all 187 of them, "I have 187 voice mails." I noted.


"How long was I sleepy?" I asked.

"A week." Meg said.

Sounds about right.

"Why are you nervous?" I asked as Egg climbed onto me, "Where'd you come from?" I asked. She nodded at Meg.

"Um, you had a bad spark failure." He noted.

"Well, yea. I was out for a week." I mumbled, "The kid okay?" I asked.


"Sparkling." I corrected.

"No, it died." He kind of blurted out.

Egg vented, He was supposed to let you down slowly. She told me.

"It dead- what?" I blinked at the lubricant already gathering.

"Knockout had to remove it." He explained.

"You killed it." I strung together what had happened, "If you didn't-"

"Yes, I know." He said.

He means it, he visited you everyday, at least twice. Egg said as I sat up.

Meg swallowed, "It's in a coffin Knockout made, I could get it." He offered.

I nodded slowly and he went to fetch it. Why was I even upset for the end of a bunch of possibilities that hadn't even happened?

Megs came back with a small box, which he could have carried with one servo if he wanted, and handed it to me.

I opened it, slightly fearful that it was in pieces. The sparkling was grey, no details had formed other than simple framework. It held no life.

It was definitely offline.

I closed the coffin in shock and Meg took it out of my servos.

"It's d-dead." I sniffed before bursting out in tears.

Meg's hugs had improved greatly as I drowned him in tears and perhaps a little drool. I think Knockout walked in a while ago and they had an awkward stare off before he left.

"It's d-dead." I yelped again. "Because of my f-f-fragging s-s-park." My voice glitched out.


"W-w-which is y-y-your fau-ault." I said.

"How is your bad spark, my fault?" He asked.

"I dunno, maybe you s-s-sucked some life out of m-me before we were birthed?" I suggested. "You w-would have been an uncle." I sniffed.

Megatron only just seemed to have considered that, "Oh."

"How are the c-chicks?" I asked.

Dunno, last saw them this morning- I should get back. Egg said and pecked Meg.

"She w-wants to get back to them." I explained and sat up.

"What are you doing?" Megatron asked, freaking out.

"Taking her-"

"I can do that." He offered and set the tiny coffin aside.

I sniffed.

"I'll come back." He added as he left.

Knockout and Breakdown peaked their helms in, "You have a nice Chicken." Knockout said, "We had to hide her from Starscream, Dreadwing and Shockwave a couple times." He added.

"W-hat happened?" I asked and nodded sadly at the coffin.

He frowned, "Your spark was shrinking and so was the sparkling's, so your spark cut connections to the leach as a last resort." He explained, "We had to hook you up to life support, you'll be very low on energy for a while but it's highly likely you'll have overcharges." He noted.

"What's that?" I sniffled as Breakdown handed me energon.

"Because your spark was straining itself, and keeping it up for a while, it's out of it's regular pattern." Knockout explained, "Sooo. There's times when you'll have very high energy levels."

"You'll feel very giddy." Breakdown helped.

I sniffed again before some more tears and sobs came out.

"I can give you a uranium strip, might make you feel better." KO suggested.

I nodded, I wanted to try that stuff ever since Egg had some. He handed my a tiny flat strip and I ate it. I snorted at nothing.

Then Meg came in.

"You killed them." I noted.

He looked at me, "Yes, I know." He said and waved the other two out, wanted to save his pride I guess.

"Dead as a D-door knob." I added as I started crying, again.

"What's a door knob?"

I shrugged and paused, "I think the Uranium's good, c-can I have some more?" I asked.

"You already had some?"

"Knockout let me, I want hug." I said with a grin.

Meg grumbled but reluctantly shuffled over. "Sorry." He grumbled.

"I love you."


"You know, as brothers, not the other way, don't want to steal you from Soundysound." I giggled.

"Oh, ok... Good." He said awkwardly. "Love you too." I barely heard him utter.

I nodded, "W-why'd the s-sparkling look grey?" I asked as I sobbed some more.

"It wasn't old enough to develop detail, was barely out of the photo form phase." He suggested.

"Oh." I said with a sniffle as least he can't guess the Sire by the corpse's appearance. "Can I go for a fly tomorrow?" I asked, "Without you pestering for my location?" I asked.

He looked at me, "Fine."

Then the Uranium took me to dreamland, Egg must have a high tolerance of this stuff.

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