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"I suggest you go to Soundwave whilst I deal with the... Problem." Megatron said as we walked back calmly to the control room.

"Fine." I muttered, although I was already plotting ways to sneak away. That may actually be why he told me to stay with Soundwave. We entered the room and got bows of acknowledgment, Megatron more than I. Although some cast fearful glances my way. I have no idea why. I slouched my way over to Soundwave, who had turned slightly. No doubt he knew why I was with him.

He turned back to the monitor and began working again. Is that all he does? Work? I grew bored quickly as I watched him type on the monitor, I let out a huff of frustration, Soundwave turned his helm toward me. "How can you work non-stop?" I asked.

"Take a break." He played in Megatron's voice. I was surprised I got a response.

"Like a break in a sentence?" I asked, he turned back to his work and pulled something up on his screen. It was a human game, one called 'flappy bird'. "Does Megs know?" I asked, he shook his helm, "may I-"

"Sure." He said in Knockout's voice, he sounded amused. He stepped out of the way so I could get to the monitor, I spread my digits as the game started. I failed quickly so I attempted again... And again... And again. I vented in frustration as I turned to Soundwave, he had a smiley on his visor.

"This should be used as a torture device. Beat a hundred and you go free." I grumbled and he stared at me amusement. "Go on, beat my score." I challenged, rather impressed with my score of three.

I moved out of the way for Soundwave to play the game, I was ridiculed quickly. "Fine you win." I scoffed as he continued to go further than a hundred. I crossed my arms angrily as he stopped to take a look and my defeated expression. Then he bent down to get something out of the cupboard bellow his work station, he found it and handed it to me.

It was some high grade, I seem to come across this often. I was surprised when he handed it to me, he held up one digit as I took it. I raised a optic ridge in question, he played a recording. "Long day."

"Yea." I nodded in agreement as I took some small sips, savouring it. "You mind pulling up the surveillance in the medbay?" I asked but Soundwave seemed unwilling to do so. "Please?"

He pulled us a recording on the medbay, in it, Amora was mutely screaming. Megatron looked downright pissed. Soundwave took away the recording and returned to his work.

I took more sips from the cube, "I hope I get to kill her." I mumbled as I set down the empty cube, a sudden pang erupted from my spark. Oh great, to much stress, another spark failure.

I took out the mixture Ratchet gave me, Soundwave watching me, and took a gulp. It calmed slightly but still some pain came through. I'm gonna have to tell Knockout soon.

However Amora had other plans. The slim blue bot came forward and pulled up the surveillance for the medbay agian. Amora was mush calmer now, and it was not muted.

"And how is Quillux doing in this war?" Her sickly sweet tone could be heard.

"And what, pray tell, do you mean with that?" Megaron said, surprisingly calm.

"His spark condition of course, hasn't he told you?"

I began to wish that Ratchet made the dose with a higher concentration, as my spark was doing it's best to commit suicide. Soundwave stopped the recording and watched me. I leaned against the wall nearby and slid down it, taking deep vents to calm down.

However my twin was trying to get through the sparkbond, I let him through. Whatever she told you is a lie. I stated and hoped it reached him.

Really? I got a reply back.

Yep. I confirmed desperately.

The panic I can feel in you suggests different. Oh he can feel that...

I'm panicking because I want to kill her and you may do that yourself. I lied quickly, he believed it and pushed away her 'lie'.

I'm not killing her.

I smiled grimly. Splendid, I'll be down shortly.

And neither are you.

My smile fell instantly, what?

She will be staying in a cell, although she doesn't know it yet. This punishment isn't enough!

Rip out her T-cog and hurl her of the ship! I demanded, I didn't get a reply and soon. Megatron closed of his side of the sparkbond. I glared at the floor and sadness overwhelmed me, fragging mood swings. I ignored the constant pain in my spark.

I looked up at Soundwave who was just infront of me. "You wanna take me to the medbay or something?" I asked, optics watering slightly.

He gave a small shake of his helm.

"Then what?"

He seemed to stare at me for a while, not intending to answer. Untill he ejected Laserbeak. He flew over and sat on me like a butterfly does a flower, is this for comfort?

I looked back at Soundwave, who was back to work. Felt Laserbeak nuzzle into my side.

"I can see why Soundwave cuddles you." I grumbled as I stroked his wing. I swear I saw Soundwave stiffen. I chuckled to myself as the spark pains were fading, I was glad no one believed her.

I hope Amora stays in that cell forever.

A/N: (no longer relevant)
Ok, so I was thinking and I need your guys opinion on this, though I'm most likely going to do it anyway (or not, I dunno), I just want to know what you think.

I'm thinking of making this a OC x Optimus.

Every now and then I play it out in my head and it seems like a good idea. Although I'm kinda just tossing it in.

Please comment what you think of it.

Update: Input is no longer relevant/needed as the story has progressed considerably.

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