72: Life of an Idiot

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After a good nights recharge I got a com.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hello." Optimus greeted.

My processor instantly filled with dread. What if he found out about the trip with Megatron?

"You have a good recharge?" I asked nervously.

"Yes." He didn't sound angry. "Would you be willing to pick up Egg?" He asked, a little quieter.

"Sure why?" I asked.

"Fowler had a bad day and finding out about the 'fire hazard' did not help." Optimus explained.

"Ah I see, anything else?" I asked nervously.

"No, I'll send you some coordinates and drop Egg off there." He said and hung up. That was fast, not even a goodbye.

I took my time to stretch and get to a console, I typed in the coordinates and headed through the ground bridge.

Egg was already there, sitting nice and plump. No Optimus. "He upset or something?" I asked Egg.

She shook her helm, He's just trying to take the day slow. She said and got up.

"So, what did Ratchet do to you?" I asked.

Some stuff. She said vaguely, It's a surprise.

"Now I know what it feels like when someone won't give a straight answer." I mumbled to myself. "Well, there's a surprise for you too, hop in." I said and opened my chassis and bent down for her to jump in.

Ooh, goodie. Egg chuckled as she scrambled in.

I called for a bridge and one popped up. I went through and ended up in a hallway, I turned and spotted Soundwave.

"Hi." I greeted as I started walking off.

A question mark appeared on his visor and I had to pause in my stride.

"Was picking up Egg." I told him and walked off. "Don't tell my brother!" I added, he gave a small tilt of his helm.

We headed to my berthroom, once we made it there I let Egg out and she flooded up her plating.

What's the surprise? She asked and looked up at me curiously.

I bowed down dramatically to the far left wall, Egg blinked in confusion.

I swiftly grabbed her and tossed her in. She let a bunch fo surprise and joy through our bond and I sent Soundwave a little massage, saying that she loved it.

It's perfect! How- She started as she poked her helm out the flappy door.

"Soundwave made it." I said and peeked in as she went back in, she was already making herself cozy.

He's got a knack for design. Egg said and flooded her features. I think I'm going to take a nap.

"Ok, I'll entertian myself shall I?" I asked sarcastically.

She nodded and went back in.

I huffed and grabbed a data pad, then put it back down because I changed my processor half way through. So I went for a walk, but then I went back to my berth room and grabbed the data pad. I flicked through some of the stuff Soundwave sent me.

I found a video, featuring Orion and Megatron. I need to make edits of these.

"Oh thank Primus you're here." Orion exclaimed and dragged Soundwave into a housing unit.

He peeked around a corner and so did Soundwave.

"I don't know what to do." He whispered, his optics wide.

A intoxicated Megatronus pranced around proudly.

"What do we do?" Orion asked and looked at Soundwave, "Are you recording this?" He asked, appalled.

No response.They continued to watch a bit.

Then Megatronus noticed them. "Soundy!" He grinned and skipped over. And hugged them both. "I lost Orion, irresponsible youngling." He muttered and released them with a frown.

"You did?" Orion asked smiling slightly, humoring him or asking for confirmation.

"Yea." Megatron nodded and took a few steps back to land in a couch. "Not that it matters." He said as an after thought.

Orion frowned, offended.

"I got some more nightmare fuel!" He exclaimed, jumped up, and went to fetch it.

How did he get that? That stuff was expensive! Maybe he still has some...

"Here it is!" He chuckled darkly as he came back into the room. " Oh, you're back." Megatronus frowned as he spotted Orion.

I put the data pad down, I really want to know if he still has some...

I snuck of the his berth room. It required facial recognition, I attempted it, it opened! A positive of being his twin. Then I paused, or it's faulty, I'm missing half my faceplate!

I opened it and started going through his drawers. I found some purple powdered stuff. Did he seriously powder dark energon?

I opened a cupboard. Jackpot!

A few bottles were there but a swing should be enough! It's not like he'd notice anyway, unless he measures it daily.

I took a swing and felt like a tidal wave hit me... Maybe it wasn't a good idea. I put the bottle back and closed the cupboard.

I have a spark condition and I still have mild pains because of Mech! What was I thinking? This stuff could basically kill me.

Megs? I asked him through the spark-bond as I felt woozy and sick.

Yes? He asked.

Now, before you get angry- I could feel his anger warming up through the spark-bond. Be glad I'm admitting to it.

What did you do?

Break into your berth room and take some nightmare fuel. I told him quickly and fell over with a crash.

You're such an idiot-

Yea, I need the medbay. I paused, the room swam in my vision and everything hurt. If I offlined, at least I did it a unique way.

Then I passed out.
Megatron's POV
Megatron took his time to get there, but he sure regretted it once he found his brother on the floor, energon leaking out of his intake and exposed parts of his faceplate.

Megatron had never dragged someone to the medbay so fast. Once he got there, Knockout and Breakdown were busy.

"Cease your interfacing for a few clicks and help him." He growled, tearing them apart with his deadly tone.

Knockout got over his embarrassment quickly. "W-what happened?" He asked as he slapped Breakdown and gestured for him to put Quillux on the berth. He did so quickly, but almost dropped him.

"He took some nightmare fuel." Megatron crossed his arms.

"Idiot." Knockout muttered and got to work.

Megatron watched protectively.

He had a strange way for dealing with worry. Making others feel miserable was one of them but that was mainly because he didn't want to seem weak.

Megatron kept a sneer imprinted on his faceplate, but worry snuck into his optics.


72 Chapters! I didn't expect to get past 30! There's more coming btw. I just wanted to thank you all for the votes, support and encouragement. ;-D

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