59:The Pervert

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"It hurts." I whined as Megatron carried me (bridal style as the other was painful as the pits). He's so damn strong

"And who's fault is that?" He asked.

"Knockout's?" I asked.


"How?" I asked and slipped slightly so he had to reposition me. "Ow, ow, ow." I whined, tears were threatening to fall. I'm such a wuss. "How much painkillers did he give me?"

"He almost overdosed you." He told me.

"That wouldn't be a bad way to go." I mumbled in afterthought and Megatron looked down at me.


I nodded, "But just imagine." He nodded.

"You're not having spark problems?" He asked and I shook my helm.

"They did some kind of electric shock." I said and shuffled. "It hurts, how are we not there?" I sobbed, here comes the lubricant.

Megatron actually started rocking me.

"No, that hurts." I cried and he stopped. He clearly didn't deal with this on a daily basis.

Finally we arrived.

"What did you do to him?" Knockout asked as he walked forward with a syringe.

"Bring him here." Megatron growled and allowed him to inject me. Then he got another one and pumped that stuff in me.

The pain took it's time to leave. "Better?" KO asked me.

"Ehhhhh." I groaned as Megatron put me on the berth.

"I'll take that as a yes." He said.

'I'll take that as a yes.' Oh sure, assume I'm fine when I'm actually in pain. What a fragger.

"Can you give me more?" I asked, he shook his helm. "Frag you." I hissed.

Knockout decided to pull out the old, anaesthetic because I got a bit foul mouthed after that. I don't want to go in no forced sleep. Pits no. I bolted before he could inject me, fast movement, something I wasn't supposed to do. How long were the pain killers gonna last?

Hopefully they were going to last longer than the last ones.

I ended up in the landing bay and parked up beside Predaking who was in his beast form.

"Hello, sleepy." I greeted and sat down beside him, he opened a optic and looked at me.

Then he did a double take and transformed. "What the frag happened to your faceplate?" He asked rudely.

"I asked myself that everyday but for you, I just deciding to put it to the fact that Primus likes you." I shot back.

"Then he doesn't like you, what happened?" He asked.

"Some humans wanted a science project." I explained. "I'm gonna go for a fly." I told him. "Don't tell my brother." I added.

"Are you not allowed to go flying?" He asked but did not receive an answer.

I'm gonna go for a fly. I told Egg.

Okay, can I help myself to a cube?" She asked.

Go for it. I said, transformed and flew off. My helm kind of sticks out in my alt so it agitated my faceplate a bit. I haven't even looked in a mirror, I could be hideous! Eh, looks aren't everything. Well, for Predaking they are, if he had no looks he'd have nothing.

I flew on and eventually ended up crossing an ocean. I'm a fast flier.

Then I came across some land, well, quite a bit. There were lots of trees and birdsong, I landed and looked around.

I tracked the song to a little blue bird with a white ball of fluff under it's beak, cute. I tried looking closer but it flew off.

Then I went for a stroll and came across a cave. I went in, surprise, surprise.

It was fragging wet, I ended up going in deeper to avoid the wetness. Then I heard something.

"Life signal is in there." Someone said.

"Arachnid?" Another beeped.

"How should I know?" The other asked, was probably Smokescreen.

"I dunno, the cave doesn't look stable." Bumblebee said.

"Then lets not cause to much disruption." Yay! Optimus was here!

I strutted up to their voices only to have Smokescreen shoot at me.

"What the frag?" I exclaimed and scrambled back.

"Hold your fire." Optimus ordered and the cave's walls crumbled. Ahh, not this again. I peeked around and noticed we were trapped once again. Boulders blocked the way behind the Autobots, even through we were deep in the cave.

Bumblebee turned on the headlights on his chassis. Optimus can't do that?

"Well, this brings back memories, just there's the additional two." I said, still in darkness.

"Three." I muffled voice added, from behind the boulders.

The Autobots jumped.

"Who's there?" Smokescreen demanded.

No reply. I laughed, Optimus looked over to me and narrowed his optics.

"What happened to your faceplate?" He exclaimed full of worry and took my faceplate in his servos to better examine it.

His servos were soft.

"MECH." I said, as long as this gave me his attention, I was fine with it.

"Oh Primus." The voice exclaimed and Bee got closer to the boulders, trying to peek through.

"Let's call this one the Eves dropper." Bee beeped.

"Or pervert." Smoke joined in, trying to look through the boulders.

I looked up at Optimus, his dermas looked to kissable. Nope, nope, never mind.

"Whoo, you look ugly!" Smoke exclaimed as he got a better look at me, Bee turned to but he seemed more concerned.

"Thanks." I growled and Optimus let go and walked over to the boulders.

"Could you help us?" He asked.

"Why would I do that?" He said, it was to muffled to recognise.

"I got high grade." I offered.

"So do I." He said back.

I really hope the painkillers last or I'm gonna need lots of hugs from Op.

"Well I have something you don't have." I said.

"Oh?" He said back.

"A positive attitude." I snickered and Optimus cracked a smile.

Smoke tapped me on the shoulder pad, "Can I have some high grade?" He asked and I got a cube out for him.

Optimus snatched it up and put it in his chassis. "Don't want to repeat last time." He mumbled.

"Why not?" The voice asked, full of amusement.

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