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I threw open the door and fished him out

"ACK!" He started and gagged.

"Well at least you flushed it first-" I started and tossed him in the sink, letting some clean coolant run on him.

"Do not... Tell ANYONE-"

"I won't." I said and peaked in the cubicle. Egg was on the floor, wheezing, this time in laughter. "At least let me help clean-"

"I can do it!" Optimus grumbled and grabbed a wire blush.

He spent a good ten minutes in there, being very thorough. "Oh come on, you're clean now!" I said as I sprayed him with disinfectant again.

"Do you have any idea of how often those are maintained?" He hissed.


"Monthly!" He said with confidence, then blinked, "Daily?"

"Yes, daily, where did you get the monthly from?" I asked.


"He lied." I said, "Hurry up."

"Fine, I'm done." He huffed, got up and slipped. I threw him back into the blanket and bundled him up.

"If you weren't tired before, you are now." I grumbled.


Wait up. Egg started and I let her catch up as we walked. Thank Primus the chicks are with Laserbeak. Egg grumbled.

"Too much stress." I nodded and we got to Optimus' berthroom, I looked at his berth. "It's bit big isn't it?"

"Everything is big." Optimus sulked as I let him out and put him on the berth. He seemed confused, "It doesn't feel cuddly anymore."


"The berth." He said, "It's too big, lonely." He added.

"You need more blankets?" I asked.

"Yea!" He half shouted excitedly, "I mean, yes please."

"Okay cool, Egg-"

I'm not sparkling sitting. She shot at me.

"Right, come. Lets find blankets." I said and picked up Egg. "And maybe some energon goodies." I added.

"Yes please!" Optimus shrieked as we left.

"Oh Primus." I muttered as we left.

Tell me about it. Egg muttered as we reached a cupboard.

"How much do you think we need?" I asked as I grabbed blankets (all of them).

No idea, I'm gonna get energon goodies. Egg said and walked off.

"Leave me to it then." I grumbled and wondered back, then I saw that the berthroom door was open. "Erm?" I asked as I peaked in. Of course Ultra Magnus was there. "What are you-"

"Why is there and unsupervised Sparkling here?" He shot back while Optimus looked very awkward.

"Temporarily unsupervised sparkling- I have blankets." I added.

"Yay." That wasn't very enthusiastic.

"Well, if you don't want it-"

"No! I Like! I like!" He shrieked and Magnus shuffled away.

"Where did you get him?" Ultra Magnus started and went to pick him up, then realized he had no wash tanks and decided against it. "Is he Optimus's?"

"And when would he have popped that out?" I snickered, he looked a few vorns old, and it's not like Optimus could have hidden a sparkling for so long.

"I do not know." Magnus said, "Should it be wearing wash-"

"NO!" Optimus yammered, "Stupid!" He added, I just dumped the blankets on him, muffling the rest of his insults.

"Science went bad." I added, "Like, really bad, Shockwave's working on fixing-"

"That's Optimus?" Magnus started and dug him out. Of course he looked awkward once he resurfaced.

"Nooo?" Optimus suggested.

"Is he sane?"

"Ehh Lacks maturity." I said.

"Excuse me-"

"Clearly." Ultra Magnus started but added "Sir" under his glare.

Then Alpha Trion walked in with Egg. He let out a hum in approval.

"What do you mean 'Hmmm'?" Optimus shot at him.

"Perhaps you can use this as an excuse for down time." He started and took him out of Magnus' servos.

"I want to hold-" I started and Alpha Trion handed him to me.

"Does it matter what I want?" He asked and started to sulk.

"Well, Egg tells me you're not very mature-" Trion started but was cut off by Optimus' scoff.

Egg clucked and got his attention.

"Why'd you have to get him- ENERGON GOODIES!" He shrieked and made grabby hands for the obviously out of reach energon goodies.

I snorted and picked one up. "You want this?"

"Yes!" Optimus nodded.

"Perhaps don't give him too many." Trion started and Ultra Magus nodded in agreement.

"Here comes the air plane-"

"ZOOOOOM!" Optimus started and wolfed the energon goodie down.

Ultra Magnus left, probably thanks to the second hand embarrassment.

Optimus scoffed down the goodies as if he hadn't eaten in years.

"Careful, not so fast." Alpha Trion started. But to late, Optimus was choking.

"Hurk!" He started and I basically threw him into Alpha Trion's servos, "HURK!" Hopefully he doesn't purge.

Alpha Trion was clearly not thinking along those line and just pat him on the back. "Do you have a bin?" He asked, "Just in case?"

I pointed to the corner but we seemed to be in the clear.

"More?" Optimus asked a little weakly.

He's gonna be high on sweetener if you-

"Nah, that's enough for now." I said. Optimus faceplate took on a challenging expression and Trion put him of the berth before leaving. "Where are you going-"

"I have dealt with this once, I am not doing it again." He said.

"What do you mean-"

"SCRAAAAAAA!" Optimus started and I immediately disabled my audial receptors.

Disable your audial-

Done that. Egg grumbled and we watched him mutely scream. His throat must have gotten sore cause he stopped after five minutes.

I enabled my audials. "Done?" I asked, he answered with a sniffle. "Great, want to recharge?" I asked.

He nodded grumpily. Then Soundwave walked in, "Merw!"

Soundwave stopped in confusion, he was clearly dropping of the chicks.

Egg squawked at him or Laserbeak, Lazerbeak responded angrily. Must be fighting about the chicks.

"How about, you guys keep the chicks for the time being, and we deal with this brat?" I suggested, but Soundwave was recording. Megatron sent a camera did he?

"Bleep!" Optimus noticed and dived under the berth. He let out a angry growl.

"Agreed." Soundwave left with the chicks and Laserbeak who was squawking angrily.

Once he was gone, I dragged Optimus out by the ped and dropped him on the blankets. "Sleeeep." I started and Egg sat on him.

"Egg!" He started but she merely swallowed him with her chicken fluff.

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