41:Mock Fight

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I landed on the flight deck, the Predacon sat proudly in the corner. I walked over to him. "So, where's Megatron?" I asked.

He nodded his helm inside.

"Out of one to ten, how is his mood? Ten being worst."

He held up his claws, only six, good. But he only has six claws...

"Okay, thanks." I said before I headed inside.

The lights had not turned off yet, that's good.

I headed down to the energon store room to refuel, once I got there I noticed Megatron leaning sloppily against a wall, refuelling.

"Hi." I greeted as I tried to sneak around to get some high grade.

"Oh Primus." I heard him mumble and watched him take a sip from the cube.

So he drunk high grade too.

"You have a higher tolerance than Optimus?" I asked.

He shot me a glare, he clearly didn't feel like taking. He started drinking faster so I got another for him.

He chuckled lowly, "No." He said as he finished the cube.

"Oh come on!" I exclaimed as he made to leave. I followed. With the cube. "It'll be fun."

"It's unnecessary."

"You'd be relaxed for once." I argued. "Might make the troops more comfortable if you were more relaxed." I added.

"What makes you say that?"

"Well, at the Autobot base, they are basically all friends." I stated a positive.

"I don't need friends." He grumbled.

"Might stop assassination attempts." I started.

He looked at me.

"Gain loyalty." I went on. "Boost moral."

"Fine, you made your point." He said.

"Maybe you could throw parties or something." I suggested and got a scowl in response. "Fine, but have some FUN."

"Alright, come." He said as he walked on.

I grinned; he might not be drinking high grade, but this is the next best thing.

We arrived at the sparring room, so he likes fighting. "You want me to be a punching bag?" I asked, nervous where this was going.

"No, just a mock fight." He said as he got to a clear space.

Oh, I always liked these, smack the others aft and you get a point. "Finally a good idea." We could both have some fun.

He took a swing and I took that as GO. I ducked under his fist, moved around him, unsheathed my blade, and smacked him with the flat side on the aft.

His shoulders slumped.

"1-0." I stated, I've done these way to much.

He swung again and repeated my motion. However he had baited me. He stuck out a ped causing me to stumble he got out his blade and earned his point.

"1-1." He grinned mockingly.

"You got lucky." Then I had an idea, I pretended to have a spark failure. I clutched my chassis and bent over slightly, making my breathing heaver too.

He dropped his guard and neared me.

Then I delivered a hefty kick to his bearings, he made a pained expression.

I struck his aft.

"2-1." I grinned, "Knockout will have to have a look at that one." I danced around then paused. "Or Soundwave could straighten them out." I teased.

He had recovered and kicked out my peds out from underneath me, sending me on my backstruts. Then he put a ped on my chassis, keeping me down.

"I'll strangle you." I threatened.

"From down there?" He grinned.

He's such a dollop-head. "You've sunk low enough for me to reach." I said before kicking up a ped which hit him on the aft. "3-1." I stuck out my glossa as I got up.

Turns out he was going easy on me.

I rubbed my sore aft as his last few hits weren't light.

"Well, I win." He taunted once he got ten points.

Frankly, I was in shock. I never lost these.

"Don't feel bad. You'd never beat me anyway." He laughed.

"Being a dick won't make yours any bigger." I shot back

He shut up and we both headed of to our berth rooms, which were in the same direction.

On our way I heard two other voices out of our view.

It was Predaking and Dreadwing.

"-It just makes me uncomfortable." I heard Predaking mutter.

"He's complementing you, take the complement." Dreadwing said back.

Megatron leaned closer to me, "what are they talking about?" He whispered. I shrugged in response.

"You could complement him back." Dread added.

"He would take that the wrong way." Pedaking said back.

Megs and I both stopped to eavesdrop.

"Wrong way?"

"Two way flirting." Predaking explained.

"Flirting? He's flirting with you?"

"I dunno!"

"Alright... Should we act it out?" Dread asked.

We both raised an optic ridge.


We heard Dreadwing clear his intake. "You look so good!" He exclaimed excitedly. Was he acting me?

Predaking said nothing.

"Complement." Dreadwing tipped him.

"You look... Fuckible?" Predaking said rather strained.

I barely kept in a snort of laughter.

Megatron guided me away from the scene, only faintly hearing a: "Transform into your beast mode, you won't have to talk."

"That was interesting." I giggled after we were out of their audio range.

"Not at the top of my list." Megatron said as we neared his Berthroom.

"Oh? What is?" I asked.

"Soundwave has the footage of Optimus."

"Drunk?" I asked for him to narrow it down.

"Yes. It is most amusing."

Well, that was not supposed to happen. I just won't tell him and he can't get mad at me. I kinda miss him.

"I'm sure he won't mind." I forced out.

He snorted as his Berthroom door opened. "Goodnight." He bade and headed in, the closed behind him.

Then the lights went out. I started sprinting to the safety of my berth.

Why can't the lights just stay on? That human horror movie did not help with my fear either. I should have never of listened to that suggestion Miko made. "Lets watch lights out." Wow that was a great idea!

I made it to my berth and snaked onto my berth. Today wasn't so bad.

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