17:Fragging Malfuntion

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I continued to glare at the ceiling, Fragging recharge better hurry up. I was losing my patience but my processor could not help but wonder. Why didn't I try and find the Nemesis on my flight? Yea, like that would go successfully. Maybe it's because the bots here are nice? I mean, Megs is nice, KO is nice, even Soundwave! I saw him cuddle Lazerbeak once.

The autobots are nice too. Bumblebee and I have similar interests (high grade). Smokescreen too, although he needs advice which I could give to him. Bulkhead and Wheeljack, they're nice. Arcee is a lost cause. Ratchet and Magnus need to learn to smile.

Optimus... he's just like Paradox, Perfect. Even when he messes up, he finds a solution. And he tolerates me! That is rare.

I remembered Paradox and the last time I saw him. It was raining on Cybertron but we didn't care as we walked through the streets.

"You know that gladiator and you look identical." Paradox grinned at me, soaking wet from the rain.

"Which one." I punched him in the shoulder playfully,

Paradox pouted as he rubbed his shoulder. "Megatronus, he's got a way with words too."

"Oh really, bolts for brains. Anyone with better vocabulary than you seems to have a 'way with words'." I told him, "sadly that's everyone." I joked.

"Hey!" Paradox complained, I gave him a kiss and that shut him up. He smirked playfully, before shyly saying: "I've actually been writing some poems."

I raised my optic ridges, "oh really?"

"Yea, for fun," he paused, "wanna hear one?"

"Gladly." I put my helm on his shoulder.

He smiled and begun. "When you join the Allspark,
Where you go you will lark.

"Away from life,
You will have no more strife.

"Your family may stay,
But will join you someday.

"For you are the messenger dove,
That spreads the love." He finished and smiled at me shyly.

"That was sweet." I said and nuzzed into his neck cables somehow as we walked. He shrugged I cast him a look, he was doubting himself again. "Hey, even if you don't like it; you have plenty of time to improve, you're young after all." I said reassuringly and was rewarded with a smile.

Optimus and him are different, but give me the same feelings. Each original to their own way.

I continued to stare at the ceiling once more, watching a spider make its way across. These seemed to the humans greatest fear. I checked my internal clock, it was nearing midnight. I looked back to where the spider was, but it was not there. I started looking around fearfully.

Suddenly my light turned off, spiders are a bad omen! I desperately tried to switch it back on but it stayed dead. I felt a pang in my spark from the mild panic and panicked some more. I'm not having another spark failure! Scrap, where's Optimus when you need him?

I got out of the berth and sprinted my spark out to the main hall. I knew there was lighting there. I arrived venting heavily, what I did not expect was Optimus standing at the monitor. Does he even get recharge?

He turned to me and gave me a questioning look. "The light died." I vented heavily trying to ease my spark. He nodded, "shouldn't you be in recharge?" I asked him.

"I have work to complete." He said and begun typing.

"What kind?" I asked nearing him, still venting.

"Report for agent Fowler." He gave a small reply.

"What kind?" I asked for him to narrow it down.

"Recent events."

"Well... I could do that for you." I suggested. He turned to me with raised optics, "I can write! Is that so hard to believe."

Optimus shook his helm, "no, not that. Why would you offer?"

"You need recharge."

"So do you."

"Hey! Don't use my logic against me!" I complained. "Come on, let me help." I pleaded, widening my optics.

"Very well," he handed me a data pad. "We can work on the same document, it will go faster." He explained, I frowned but accepted. I started working on the bottom half as Optimus did the top. I watched him first but went against his writing style, way to formal. He needs to add humour, I can help with that...

I was relieved to no end when Optimus didn't read over what I wrote. The language was very colourful. And I mean colourful. Finally we finished.

"Now you can recharge." I said. Op nodded and turned to the hallways, expecting me to follow. I didn't.

"Are you coming?" He asked.

I shook my helm, "not in that dark room."

"You're staying here?"


"Perhaps you should try and over come your fears." He suggested, I snorted.

"After I joined the Allspark."

Optimus vented, "you only live once, make the most of it." He said before he waved me goodnight. I stayed where I was, watching him leave, sad that his company had left me. I got onto the berth in the medbay and finally, recharge found me.

I awoke before anyone else was here, I got up and stretched before Op came in with Ratchet. "Morning." I greeted, they both muttered a sleepy "morning" back. We all got ready for a days work, well, they did. I was listing a to do list- as the humans called it.

A ding came from the elevator and out stepped agent Fowler.

"Agent Fowler, to what do we owe this pleasure?" Optimus asked and Ratchet scowled.

"Your report." He said. "I do not understand the meaning of some words." He stated.

"Why didn't you text?" I asked.

"I was due for a check in anyway." He said and narrowed his eyes at me. He has trust issues. Ratchet grunted and began sipping some energon.

Optimus looked at him blankly, "which ones?"

Fowler yawned before he got out his phone and begun to read. "Unicron's spawn-" Ratchet begun to choke on the energon he was consuming and I knew what was coming next. No regrets.

"Under what context was it used?" Asked Optimus, casting me a glance.

"You wrote this, shouldn't you know?" He asked.

"Quillux helped."

Agent Fowler nodded, seeming to understand and took a deep breath. "Smokescreen (Unicron's spawn) got drunk, someone needs to monitor him. Wheeljack's katanas are too sharp, I don't give a flying frag if they need to be, Quillux almost fell victim to them, you need to slagging remove them! Recently a new member arrived with impressive shoulder pads, but someone needs to teach him how to smile even if they need to shove a rod up his afterburner. And the lights need to stay on overnight, no pit spawned glitch cares if it wastes fragging electricity."

Optimus looked at me and frowned deeply. Maybe I regret it a little.

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