204: "Co-Governance"

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I found Optimus at the hanger and slowed my joyous bounce to a depressed stroll. Ultra Magnus was there too who did a double take, once at my optics and once at the lack of cannon.

"No cannon?" He asked.

"No, left it in my quarters. Since this is a diplomatic meeting after all." I lied skilfully, so skilfully Optimus raised a ridge. "It is isn't it?" I asked, a bit quicker than a should have.

"Ah yes." Ultra Magnus nodded, a bit surprised.

"Off we go then?"

"We're waiting for Starscream as he's your second-"

"Bah! Leave him." I exclaimed and started walking.

Optimus shrugged, "He's late anyways and knows where the meeting is taking place." He said and trailed after me. Ultra Magnus nodded slowly before following along.

We arrived at the NAIL's ship soon enough and were begrudgingly let in by some well armoured NAILs. "Grumpy lot aren't they?" I asked. Mind, when I was a neutral, at least I had a good attitude.

"They did get caught up in a war they wanted no part in." Optimus started.

"Sure sure." I waved him off as Prowl walked around a corner.

"Where is Starscream?" He asked.

"Why?" I asked.

"He's your second- though it'll be nicer without him I suppose." He muttered, mostly to himself, before leading us to a meeting room. Metalhawk was already there.

"You're late-" He started.

"You're punctual." I shot back before realising it was a complement.

"Smooth." Optimus snorted as he sat down. "Records?" He asked as he spotted the tablets on the table.

"They need signing, by you three." Ultra Magnus started, gesturing to myself, Optimus and Metalhawk.

"I've already signed those regarding resource management. We'll be going over the co-governance agreement together." Metalhawk added.

"Can you summarise the resource-" Optimus started, though he was already reading them.

"Weaponry remains in the owners possession, there will be no redistribution. Energon and medical supplies will be spilt three ways, Neutrals, Autobots and Decepticons where it will be split based on population." Ultra Magnus started, surprisingly brief. "Building resources will be split between Neutrals and Deceptions as they possess the necessary workforce for repairs."

I started to get the idea that I should not be here. It sounds fair, for me, but probably not Megatron.

"Noted, and co-governance?" Optimus asked.

"As a three way government of sorts." Prowl started. "Each faction remains in control of their faction, but anything regarding cross dealings will be determined through discussions and voting."

"Not really fair is it?" I asked and Optimus shot me a look. "Split three ways but based on numbers Optimus and I would only have control over 30% of the population combined."

"Surprisingly perceptive of you." Optimus muttered, "I propose a council based approach, we make decisions together and do not separate Cybertronians based on facton. We should be trying to settle into a post war era without factions and a split government will not support that."

"But-" Metalhawk started.

"And Megtaron possessives 55% of weaponry and 62% of combatants. Not including those still arriving on Cybertron." Optimus added.

"I could kiss you right now-"

"Don't." Optimus said sternly while Magnus visibly suppressed a gag. "I see no conflicts with resources but-"

"I can see your point regarding segregation and will adjust." Metalhawk nodded as Optimus signed the resource document thingie before handing it to me.

"I'm not qualified." I said and got up, "And forging signatures is a offence Optimus! You know this!" I added.

"Oh right."

"What?" Prowl asked.

"Megatron's on the Nemesis- oh hey Streamer!" I greeted as Starscream walked in. He was wearing a cape for some reason. "Portable blanket, nice." I snorted.

"Lets get this done with." He grumbled.

"We already did, thanks for the help." I snickered and pushed him out.

"Why is Megatron not here?" Metalhawk asked.

"Why are you complaining?" I asked. "Probably good he wasn't, you would have lost your helm for that co-governance proposal."

"He'll be attending the next one, I'll make sure of it." Optimus assured before we left.

"Did you know?" Magnus asked Optimus lowly.

"Know what? Ohhh of course not." He lied, very obviously and Magnus rolled his optics. "That went well." He added as Starscream trailed after us.

"You could have waited..." Starscream growled.

"You could have been on time." I shot back as Starscream scoffed and trailed off.

Optimus let out a little snort and paused his stride as Magnus stopped for a moment. "Hmm?" He asked.

"Prowl sent a message, the NAILs are organising a 'end of war' celebration. Says I should take the time to 'mingle'." He clarified.

"Oh what a great idea!" I started.

"Prowl doesn't want you in public." Optimus reminded me.

"No-no, this is extended to all. It's meant to unify." Magnus clarified, he was probably hoping he could police the event, rather than attend it based on his expression. "Yay." He let out most unenthusiastically.

"Oh that's a nice idea!" Optimus let out.

"Will there be drinks?" I asked.

"Prowl doesn't have the funds for-"

"Aww noooo." I grumbled as we approached the Nemesis, we found Bumblebee and Smokescreen arguing soon after.

"Just give them back!" Bee started.

"Heck no! I'm their hero now!" Smokescreen argued back and Bee noticed Optimus.

"Optimus- He stole-"

"I didn't steal I-"

"The leads while Egg was recharging." Bumblebee carried on.

Optimus shot a glance at Smokescreen before extending his servo, he handed them over gingerly. "Has Egg woken up yet?" Optimus asked I'm- not-sure-who.


Did you take them? She shot back accusingly.

No, Smokecreen took the leads, Optimus has them now. Where are the chicks? I asked.

No clue, they ran off. Where is Smokecreen?

Exit platform. I said before realising Smokey was in danger.

"I dunno." He said, answering Optimus' question.

"Yep, she's on her way!' I said.

"You didn't tell her I took them right?" Smokey asked and after a prolonged silence asked again. "Right!?"

"Ummm" I started and he decided to flee before it was too late. "Well, I'll probably have to help her find the chicks." I said.

"I'll help." Optimus shrugged and we heard the little patters of her pede steps.

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