83: Sneaky Sneaky

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"Scrap. Scrap. Scrap." I chanted as if it would help me.

"Why did you do that?" Optimus asked with mild panic and anger.

"He asked if he could come over, if I said no, he'd know I was with you and he'd know where the base is. So I took the safest option!" I yelled in panic.

"Now what?" Optimus asked.

"You're asking me?" I asked.

"You got us into this mess."

"Okay, lock the door and don't come out no matter what." I told him, "I'm making a plan." I said and ran off.

Now he thinks I'm ditching, no matter, he went inside and closed the door. The Autobots ships were hidden so those didn't matter

I snuck of behind a nearby boulder, a hundred meters or so, I transformed and stayed put. Then a ground bridge popped up next to me. Megatron stepped through and spotted the military base first.

I cleared my intake to get his attention, he looked down at my alt behind the boulder. "You are in the open!" I hissed at him, acting.

He transformed behind the boulder. "Okay, why are you here?" He asked.

I enabled my holoform, "They got tanks." Please work, please work.

"Lets try the fighter jets." He said and enabled his holoform.

"But we are jets!"

"We haven't been inside one." He said and shrugged, "New experience."

"Okay, lets look around the back." I said so we would be on the opposite end of the Autobots.

We started sneaking around the side, using the boulders to hide us, we were almost there once a jet came in sight.

"That one?" I asked, Megatron narrowed his optics, "I think it's fast." I added to push him along.

"Okay." He said and we headed forth. Was he doing this to humor me or did he actually want to?

Strangely, there were barely any humans. Maybe Op managed to get them out of here. We started walking forward, then a small human patrol came round and I threw both of us to the concrete floor. Right in the middle of the run way.

"They won't see us now." Megatron whispered, full of sarcasm.

"You have another solution?" I asked him, there was no cover.

"Well, yes." He said and disabled his holoform, it reappeared in the jet. How did we over look that? I copied him and climbed in the back seat.

There were a lot of buttons. "Is this what we look like on the inside?" I asked him, he shrugged and pushed a button.

It turned on.

"That was a gamble." Megs said.

"The humans noticed." I told him.

"We'll try out the guns." He grinned and flexed his fingers.

"Ahh, no, no, no, no." I said as I kicked his chair. "Flying is better." I added under his stare.

"Fine." He huffed and did some magic.

We catapulted straight into one of the surrounding hills, "That went well," I said, "We should of stuck with one of the tanks."

Megatron was completely scrambled in the front but somehow managed to nod. He disabled his holoform and I followed. We stayed in our jet forms as we listened to the humans run around frantically.

"We should stick with the ground vehicles." He said so we remembered.


"This was a waste of time."

"Not for me." I told him and he had enough, he called for a ground bridge and left.

Finally! I transformed and snuck back to the hangar, "All clear!" I called in and they opened up. "I'm useful, I got you all out of trouble!" I bragged.

"You got us into it in the first place." Ratchet growled.

"How did that work?" Smokescreen asked.

"I made a list." I said, "How to get out of trouble: Have a spark failure or let Megatron commit human crimes." I said smugly.

"You should of had a spark failure." Arcee said.

Everyone looked at her.

"A fake one." She added hastily.

The room went silent, "So... Do I get a well done?" I asked.

Ratchet dropped a wrench and walked off, grumbling. "I'm to old for this."

Then everyone else just walked off, it's like when I'm at the centre of attention everyone gets bored and leaves. Well, Optimus stayed. I grinned at him and he guided me outside with a frown.

Oh no, he was angry. "I didn't do it on purpose." I argued.

"I know." He said and looked at me with a deep frown.

"Great!" I grinned, he kept his frown.

"I think you're not taking this seriously enough." He said and sighed, "I don't think that you should keep visiting."

That caught me off guard. "Huh? Why?" I asked.

"In case something like this happens again, or worse." He said, "Nothing personal." He added hastily.

"Yea, I get it." I huffed, "I'll get the Chickens." I said and headed back in.

"Wait, wait." Optimus followed, "I don't mean, not to visit." He started.

"But that's what you said." I pointed out.

He paused in his stride, "You can still visit, just less." He informed.

"Ah, okay." I said, sounding less let down than I was. I walked up to the Cyberchickens and scooped them up, I gently put them in my chassis.

Surprisingly, they didn't wake. I walked over to Alphy who was sitting on a berth with a datapad. "You up for sparkling sitting them every now and then?" I asked him.

"I would be happy to." He smiled, "Are you going now?" He asked.

"Yup." I said and turned for the exit, Optimus was there, looking guilty. "See you soon, or not to soon." I told him, I was somewhat guilt tripping him.

"It's not personal." He told me as I got outside.

"Yea, yea. I know." I told him before I bade goodbye.

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